Chapter 25

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I'm dead
(Y/N)'s POV

     I wake up to John shaking me. "(Y/N) ARE YOU OKAY?" He screams. I hug him and start sobbing in his shoulder. "What happened?" He whispers in my ear. I look at him and see tears streaming down his face. "I had a nightmare" I say calmly, kind of. I'm shaking. I woke up sweating and with tear stains on my face.

"What was it about?" He asks. I notice he's shaking too. "Baby, you were screaming my name and told me not to leave, then you yelled 'why'd you slap me?' Then your screams got quieter and quieter until they just stopped, and you stopped moving. I thought I lost you!" He manages to get out before breaking down. I hold him tighter and explain my nightmare.

"(Y/N) I would never do that to you.... y-you know t-that, right?" he chokes out. "I can't control what I dream about, I-I'm sorry" I say. "Nononono don't apologize" he says quickly. "Let's just forget and go get some ice cream, alright?" He says with a slight smile. I smile back. "Alright."

We go to cold stone since it's my favorite ice cream place. (If it's not I'm sorry). We order our ice cream and sit in the corner of the store. "I love you so much (Y/N)" he says. "I love you more" I say smiling. "Not possible" he replies, returning the smile. "Fine you win this time" I say, my mood lifting.

"Want to go see a movie? Maybe take a walk around the park?" He asks. "Actually, can we go bowling? I've wanted to go for a while." I say sheepishly. I've always been nervous about asking for things. "Of course we can! C'mon let's go" he says. I smile and walk with him to the car.

{Time skip brought to you by scaring everyone in the last chapter. I'm so sorry}

John's POV

I'm glad (Y/N) is happier. She looks like an angel. She's everything I ever wished for and more. I would never stop loving her. We finish the first round of bowling and she sits down pleased with herself.

"Damn, you beat my ass. How'd you get so good at bowling?" I ask. She giggles that amazing giggle that could make anyone smile. "My dad made my brother and me go to bowling camp one summer, I got pretty good at bowling" she answers. We start another round and taunt each other with each turn.

The score was tied and it was the last frame. I had one chance to win, and what did I do? Roll the ball into the gutter. "Ahh fuck me" I say under my breath. "Hold on let me win first, then I'll fuck you, okay?" (Y/N) says jokingly. I feel the heat rise to my face. She rolls the ball and gets a strike, so she gets two more turns. She rolls two more strikes.

     I didn't notice until now, but (Y/N) had played a perfect game. 300 points. "(Y/N), you got a perfect set!" I exclaim. She looks at the score board and sees her score. "OH MY GOSH I DID" and she starts dancing. I laugh at her and grab her waist. "Let's go to the car, silly" I say, and she follows me out.

     "What do you want to do now?" I ask. "D&B?" She asks timidly. "Why not? Let's go!" I exclaim. She grins ear to ear and I start driving. We get to Dave and Busters and start playing games immediately.

     "Did you know I'm great at claw machines?" She asks. "Oh are you now?" I ask, testing her. "Yeah" she says putting her hands on her hips. Not gonna lie, she looks really hot. "Prove it" I say, and she goes over to the giant claw machine. (Events that are about to happen are true to real life)

(Y/N)'s POV

     I walk over to the giant claw machine and look for the animals on top. I see a turtle on the very top that I could win. I pay for one turn and start moving the claw. I position it over the turtle and drop it. The claw grasps the stuffed animal and picks it up. The animal is dropped into the pickup compartment and I take it out.

     "See John! I'm a claw machine master" I say handing him the stuffed turtle. "You got this for me!? Thank you!" He says hugging me. I smile and hug him back. "You're welcome" I say. "Let's go back home, I'm tired" I say. He nods and we walk to the car hand in hand.

     We get to the dorm and get to bed. I decide to sleep next to him because I don't want more nightmares. He wraps his arms around me and we both fall asleep happily.

I never want to say goodbye; a John Laurens x Reader Where stories live. Discover now