Chapter 23

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She nods and follows me to bed, passing out curled up next to me.

Guys I suck at writing I'm so sorry
(Y/N)'s POV

A pounding headache wakes me up at 3 in the morning. Why did I drink so much? I get out of bed and go to get ibuprofen out of my bag. Not sure why it's there but it is. I take the bottle out, trying to make as little noise as possible. Just to my luck, I drop the pill bottle. When I go to pick it up, I slip and land with a loud thud.

"Fuck me." "Gladly" I hear a voice say. "Shit, sorry John, I didn't mean to wake you up" I say, not caring how loud I am anymore. "It's fine, what are you doing up anyway?" He questions. "The hangover woke me up" I say defensively. We both start laughing. He starts walking over to me when he trips over the pill bottle, landing hard on the ground. "Ah fuck. I'm guessing you wanted these before you fell and woke me up?" He says getting up and handing me the pill bottle. I thank him and take out 2 pills.


"If I take more than 8 it could kill me" I say to myself. "Do it" he says. I take 3 more. "Thats not enough" she says. "Yeah that won't kill you" he follows up. I take 4 more. 9 pills.

Flashback end

I'm still holding the pills in my hand as I collapse to the ground into a mess of tears. "(Y/N) are you okay?" John asks sweetly. I shake my head. "What's wrong?" He asks, and remembers the incident. He pulls me into a tight hug. "It's okay baby, I got you" he whispers, along with other things. I finally calm down and take the pills.

John's POV

Thomas is a dick. That's all. Thank you for listening.

He made (Y/N) have a mental breakdown over taking painkillers for a headache. "What do you want to do?" I ask, trying to get our minds off the subject. "John, it's 3 in the morning, we can do whatever the hell we please" she replies. I laugh at her comment. "I have an idea, how about we watch musical bootlegs" I say. She looks up at me with a sparkle in her eyes. "Yes please!" She says excitedly and jumps onto the couch.

     There a a few things I haven't told her, like how I star in a few musicals. She'll figure it out soon enough though. We start with 21 Chump Street since it's the shortest one. I played Justin Laboy. She pauses the video, looks at the screen, then at me, then back at the screen. She does this for a few more minutes. 3....2.... "YOU PLAY JUSTIN!?" She screams. I just nod and smile at her excitement. "How come you never told me?" She asks.

     "I've had a few people want to date me because I've been in popular musicals" I answer. "Well I'm not one of those people because I didn't not- wait musicals? With an s?" She asks. I nod again. "What other musical?" She asks. "Miranda" I reply. "I KNEW YOU LOOKED LIKE ANTHONY" she practically screams. "Hey calm down it's still 3 in the morning people are sleeping. Well, except for Alex" I say. She calms down and starts laughing.

     "Wait... Alex looks like Lin, Laf looks like Daveed and Andrew, you look like Anthony and Phillip, Burr looks like Leslie, and oh my god you were all in the musical" she realizes. I laugh at this. "Yes the group of us are the original cast of Miranda" I say laughing. "Ok how come you die twice and literally nobody else dies besides Alex at the end?" She says jokingly. "Because I'm the most lovable" I reply. "That I can agree with" she says, snuggling up to me. We talk about musicals until the sun comes up.

(Y/N)'s POV

     We were talking about musicals until I remembered it's the first of the month. I sit silently. "(Y/N)? What's wrong?" John asks. "It's the first" I whisper. John's eyes widen at the sudden realization. "It's okay, just stay by my side all day today, alright?" He says and I nod.

{Time skip brought to you by Ron Chernow's Alexander Hamilton that I now own}

     It's around noon when the siren goes off. I look around for John but I don't see him for some reason. "John?" I yell. I don't get a response. I run over to the desk in the corner and hide under it. I start crying as I remember everything that happened, from the earthquake to being evacuated. I curl into a ball and sit there. I feel arms around me. Not just one pair, about 7. I look up and see everyone here. "Where were you?" I angrily ask John. "I went to get everyone else, I'm sorry" he apologizes. I forgive him and forget everything else.

     Soon the testing is done and everyone is sitting near the tv. I'm sitting next to John. "Are you alright amoureux?" Laf asks worriedly. John glares at him and I laugh. "I'm fine laugh, now stop calling me pet names, I don't want to hide a body because of him" I say pointing at John, who is still glaring at Laf. "It's all in good fun (Y/N). And John, refroidissez la baise dehors" he says and we all burst into laughter.

I never want to say goodbye; a John Laurens x Reader Where stories live. Discover now