Chapter 27

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I relax in John's arms for the 6 hour flight.
{ALEXANDER COME DOWNSTAIRS ANGELICA'S ARRIVING TODAY! Timeskip (Haleigh you better understand this joke)}

John's POV

Today I was going to meet (Y/N)'s father and brother and I'm honestly scared. Not nervous scared, but genuinely afraid of her brother. After that we're going to go see her mother who lives about 30 minutes away. We get to her father's house.

"We're here" (Y/N) says to me. She grabs my hand and we walk to the house. She notices the nervous look on my face. "It will be ok, I promise" she reassures me. I nod and smile. She smiles back and kisses me. She knocks on the door and I put my arm around her waist.

The door opens to reveal her dad. "(Y/N)! How are you, and who is this?" He asks pointing at me. "I'm great, and this is-" she pauses so I can introduce myself. "John Laurens, sir" I says extending my hand. He looks confused. "My boyfriend" (Y/N) adds. Her dad smiles and shakes my hand. "It's nice to meet you" he says and pulls me closer. "If you hurt her like Thomas did I will kill you myself" he says. "I won't sir, I promise" I say with fear in my voice. What if I unintentionally hurt her?"I was just joking around, I won't actually kill you" he says chuckling. Thank god. I smile.

     "Well come in, you can meet (Y/N)'s brother, Anson" her dad says. (That's my brother's name just replace it if you want) I walk into the house with (Y/N). It was a 4 bedroom house, but it was pretty empty since (Y/N) moved out. "Let's go meet my brother, just a warning, he has mental issues from my mother like me, but his are worse" (Y/N) says snapping me out of my daze. "Alright, let's go" I say, and we walk into the living room.

     "Anson, look up from the phone" (Y/N) shouts so he can hear through the headphones. He pauses the video he was watching and looks up. "This is John, my boyfriend" she says introducing me. "Hi there" I say. "What happened to the other guy?" He asks. "He was a jerk" she replies shortly. He nods and goes back to his video. "Dude stop being a jerk" she yells. He stands up and goes after her. She holds him off long enough to say something. "Get your phone out and start recording, he thinks he's gonna win" she says. I start recording their fight.

     After the fight is over, (Y/N)'s brother, Anson right? Was sitting on the couch crying. Her dad walks in. "What did you do this time" he says with a sigh. "He thought he would win a fight, so I proved him wrong" she says and they both burst into laughter. "Anson stop crying you're fine" her father says. "I win" he says through tears. Everybody is laughing now. "Dude, I have video to prove you lost, and I'm pretty sure winners don't end up crying on the couch" I say. Everyone laughs harder. I know I'm going to like her family.

     We finally walk away and we go to (Y/N)'s old room. We sit on the bed. "If you think my father's great, wait until you meet my mother tomorrow" she says with a laugh. "Just a warning, she's suuuuper sarcastic" she says still laughing. "I can deal with that" I say starting to laugh. I remember I still have to talk to (Y/N)'a parents about something. "I'll be right back" I say to her. She nods and I leave the room and walk down the stairs.

     I see (Y/N)'s father and I walk towards him. "Can I help you with something John?" He asks politely. "Actually yes, I need to talk to you about something, sir" I reply. "Please, call me (F/N)" he says. "Anyway, please continue" he adds on.

     "Well, (F/N), I know we just recently met, but I would like your blessing to marry your daughter" I say shaking. His eyes widen. I start getting scared. "Well, Mr. Laurens, you have my blessing" he says with a smile. We shake hands. "Thank you sir" I say and start walking back up to (Y/N)'s room. "One more thing" (F/N) says as I'm walking out. "Yes?" I say turning around. "Be true" he says. I smile and walk out.

     "What was that about?" She asks when I get to her room. "Oh it was nothing, I just wanted to ask him something" I say, keeping what I was planning a secret. "Okay" she says with a grin. I smile and kiss her. "I love you so much" I say. "I'm pretty sure I love you more" she retorts. "Okay you win this time" I say. If only she knew what I was planning.

I never want to say goodbye; a John Laurens x Reader Where stories live. Discover now