Chapter 33

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"Only the best for my fiancé."

I've been too nice in this story

Be prepared 😈
(Time skip to two weeks later, still 3 months of break, MIT has a really long winter break)
(Y/N)'s POV (finally)

Oh my god I'm going to marry the love of my life. Holy shit that was more cliché than the French loving baguettes and croissants. But it's true. I still can't believe it and its been two weeks. I love him so much. I can't bear to lose him. I walk into the living room where everyone else is sitting.

"Hey baby" John says as I sit next to him. "Hey" I say smiling. He wraps his arm around my waist, pulling me closer. I scroll through my phone and look at notifications from a week ago. I see one that sticks out and I get a bad feeling. Clue- Cycle starts today

(For those that don't know Clue is an app that tracks your period. I think y'all know what's coming)

That was a week ago. I haven't gotten my period. The only reason that would be is if I'm- oh shit. My breathing hitches. "(Y/N)? Are you ok?" Herc asks me from across the room. "Yeah, I'm just going to go on a walk" I say. That's half true. I'm walking to the store to get a pregnancy test.

{Time skip brought to you by my AMAZING writing (I'm being sarcastic)}

     I look at the pregnancy test I had taken and I see a little cross in the middle. I look at the guide that came with the test and I almost scream.

+ Pregnant
- Not Pregnant

How am I going to tell John? What if he hates me now? What if he doesn't want to marry me anymore? I hide the pregnancy test and walk back into the living room.

"Hey, are you okay?" Eliza asks. "Actually, can I talk to you?" I ask. "Sure" she replies, and we walk out of the room. She goes to her room and I stop by the bathroom to get the test. I walk into her room.

"So what'd you want to tell me?" She asks sweetly. I hand her the pregnancy test and burst into tears. Her jaw drops and she rushes over to me. "This is great! Why are you upset?" She questions. "W-what if John doesn't want it?" I ask. "What if I don't want what?" I hear from the doorway. My eyes widen and I turn to see John.

"Nothing" I lie. He can tell. "(Y/N) please don't hide stuff from me, especially when I'm involved" he says sternly. I take a deep breath. "I'm pregnant" I say. His eyes widen. I freak out, but then he smiles. "That's amazing!" He practically shouts. "What's amazing?" Herc yells from the living room. "May as well go tell everyone now. We can call Laf and Angie too" Eliza says. I nod and walk into the living room.

"Before I tell you guys anything, I'm going to call Angelica" I say dialing her number. She picks up almost as soon as I call. "Hello?" She says. "Angie, put the phone on speaker and make sure Laf is with you" I say. "Ok" she responds. In the distance I hear 'Laf get in here'. "Alright, we're listening" she says. "Okay, so I'm pregnant" I tell everyone. I hear gasps followed by congratulations. "JE VEUX ÊTRE DIEU LE PÈRE" Laf yells over the phone. "I'll think about it Laf" I say. "Wait, but what did he say?" Herc asks. "He wants to be the godfather" I say. He forms his mouth into an 'o' shape.

I say goodbye to Angelica and Lafayette. Suddenly, John pulls me over to him and kisses me. "I love you so much" he says to me. "Je t'aime aussi" I reply. "Why is (Y/N) speaking Lafayette?" Herc asks. "It's called French you loveable idiot" Peggy says playfully punching his arm. They both smile and break into laughter. Soon the entire room is laughing.

"Well I'm going to go schedule a doctors appointment" I say. Everyone nods and I leave the room to call the doctor. "Hi, I think I'm pregnant and I was wondering if I could schedule an appointment to get tested?" I say. Again, I have social anxiety, I have no clue what to say. I schedule the appointment and walk into the hallway to find John and Peggy talking.

"How am I going to tell them?" I hear Peggy ask John. "Don't worry, I'll be at your side" John replies. What are they talking about? "I'll tell them later, right now we should all just relax" she says. "You're right, nobody needs to know yet" John reassures her. What the actual fuck are they talking about? I'll probably find out soon enough.

I never want to say goodbye; a John Laurens x Reader Where stories live. Discover now