Chapter 36

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Not even they could ruin this moment.

Y'all the Hamilton app is lit af. Still trying to win the lottery but as a very hot Daveed once said "I hope you all win, but you won't". Also, what would be a Hamilton story without a storm?

Eliza's POV (it's about time)

     It was a few days after the ~incident~ between Peggy, (Y/N), Herc, John, and Phillip. I still can't believe her. Herc is such a teddy bear why would she do that to him? (Y/N) and John made up thankfully. You know what I'm even more thankful for? The fact that they can't have sex since (Y/N) is pregnant. I mean they could.... but they haven't. Alex and I on the other hand.... that's a story for another time.

     We were all sitting in the living room watching ANOTHER Disney movie because Hercules absolutely loves him. I also swapped alcohol with ice cream so he doesn't get drunk out of his mind every night. He's been so upset lately and I feel bad for him. But he acts like an absolute child and it's adorable. I want children, but I don't know if Alexander does. Maybe he'll "accidentally" get me pregnant one night.

     We were on the third Disney movie of the night when rain starts pounding on the window. I see Alexander's breathing get heavier. I squeeze his hand and give him a small smile. He smiles back and returns to watching the movie. We watch the movie for about half an hour when the wind picks up. The trees start banging on the window and the wind is howling. There is lighting, but not thunder for some reason. It's starting to get colder inside the house.

"I'm going to go get some blankets" I say and leave the room. Suddenly there's a boom of thunder and the power goes out. I hear screams from two people, Alex and (Y/N)? A tree falls down in the distance. I run back to the living room and shine my phone flashlight.

I look around to check if everyone is alive right now. I see Herc and John, but not Alex and (Y/N). "Guys, where's (Y/N) and Alex?" I ask worriedly. John shrugs his shoulders and has a scared look on his face. But why? "John why are you freaking out so much?" I ask. "(Y/N) and Alex's PTSD" he says. "I thought (Y/N)'s was just earthquakes and sirens?" Herc asks. "Power outages too" John says. My eyes widen with fear. "We have to find them. Now." Herc says. John and I nod and start looking.

I walk past my room and hear whimpering. I walk in and shine a light under the desk. I see Alex curled in a ball. I walk towards him, but then the ground starts shaking. I hear a blood-curdling scream I assume is from (Y/N). I run towards the desk and sit under it with Alex. I hold him tightly as he sobs into my chest.

"James. James no you can come with me. James please, we can both make it out, come on. James! JAMES NO!" He screams grabbing onto me tighter. "I could've saved him" he cries. "I could've-" he's cut off by choking on his tears. "Baby it's okay. You're okay. We're okay" I say. I continue whispering sweet nothings into his ear.

Herc's POV (didn't see that coming did ya)

I'm looking for (Y/N) with John when the ground starts violently shaking. I hear a blood-curdling scream come from John's room. We look at each other and run to the room to find (Y/N) clinging to the doorway.

"Why is she in the doorway?" John asks. "It's safer than hiding under a table in earthquakes" I say. (That's completely true). We walk towards her and she screams in fear. "John you go, I'll go try to get some lights" I say. He nods and I walk off.

John's POV (you were expecting this)

As Herc walks off I walk towards a crying and shaking (Y/N). When I get to her, she's slumped against the door frame, curled in a ball mumbling something. As I get closer I can understand what she's saying.

"Mom? I'm home. Anson? Mom? Mom!? MOM? MOM PLEASE ANSWER ME!?" She says and sobs harder, starting to hyperventilate. "(Y/N), kitten, breathe. Breathe for me, ok?" I whisper in her ear. Just then the ground starts shaking more. (Y/N) screams and grabs onto me.

"Mom please answer me. Anson? Where are you guys. Don't leave me here! Please" she says. "Please...." she repeats. I pull her closer and whisper calming words into her ear. Her breathing becomes normal. "You're okay, I love you baby. Nothing is going to happen" I whisper. "I love you too" she breathes. I pet her hair to soothe her. She finally calms down and we walk into the living room to find Herc with blankets, pillows, and lights.

We're all okay

Eliza's POV

"You're okay" I whisper as I walk a finally calm Alex into the living room.

We're all okay

Herc's POV

Alex, Eliza, John, and (Y/N) walk into the living room where I'm sitting. They're all okay.

We're all okay

Alex's POV

I'm okay. Eliza's okay. Herc's okay. John's okay. (Y/N)'s okay. The baby's okay.

We're all okay

(Y/N)'s POV

"We're all okay."

A/N: THANK YOU GUYS SO MUCH FOR READING THIS. I think I'm terrible at writing but I'm learning French and I'm going to ask this question in my broken French.

Je suis un bon écrivain?
(It means 'Am I a good writer' I think)

Anyways, my dad and grandma both like Hamilton. My dad might take me to go see it.

Also, I MIGHT SEE LIN! He's in LA this week and if he does a live ham4ham on the 17th I get to go!!!

I'm excited.

So any ideas for my next book? It is going to be Hamilton themed. xReader? Ships? Whatever you can think of?
(I stg if one of you, you know who you are, says smut book)

Till we meet again, {let's go (I am not throwing away My Shot)}

Love y'all

I never want to say goodbye; a John Laurens x Reader Where stories live. Discover now