Another A/N

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You can skip this I just need to say this since my friend is asleep.

I've turned into Thomas Jefferson.
I'm not a dick, I promise, but other than that.
It's 1 am and I'm making fucking mac n cheese. MAC N CHEESE
Also I've concluded in a conversation with myself (my friend I was "talking" to couldn't answer) that Daveed and Anthony are my biological parents. This is a complete joke but imma explain anyway.

So as I said in my last a/n, if I was a dude I'd sound like Anthony. I sing like Anthony, rap like Daveed, and have the personalities of both of them.

The only problems with my theory are
1. They're straight
2. It's literally impossible for them to have children with just the two of them
3. Anthony was 13 when I was born, Daveed's fine he was 22
4. I'm not black

That's all, this really wasn't important I just thought I'm a hilarious person that's a mixture of Anthony, Daveed, and Thomas Jefferson.
Chapter will be posted shortly.

Thanks for reading
Love y'all

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