Chapter 17

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I wrap my arm around her and pray the moment never ends.
(Y/N)'s POV

     I wake up in the morning with John's arm wrapped around me. He is still asleep, snoring softly. I nuzzle into his side and put my arm around him. He wakes up with the sudden movement and looks at me. "Sorry I didn't mean to wake you up" I say softly. "It's fine, we have to get up anyway, it's Monday" he says.

     "Ugh can I just skip classes" I joke. "Sure if you want to fail and have me graduate before you" John says. I sit up straight immediately. "I will not let you graduate before me" I say before walking over to my bed. I get my clothes out and change, not even bothering to go to the bathroom. Then I remember I share a room with a guy.

       "Shit I forgot I share a room with you" I say as I look up. I see John blushing from embarrassment. He's already in his clothes for today. "How the hell do you change so fast?" I ask. "Practice" he says with a smirk. "WOW" I say and I leave the room. John soon follows after me. "Can I walk you to your first class?" He asks. "Sure, hopefully I don't run into Thomas." "Trust me that won't happen."

     Sooner than I'd like we get to my first class. "I'll see you at last class" John says. "Alright, see you" I respond. I walk into the class and John walks to his class. I sit down in my spot and listen to professor Burr as he starts his lecture.

{Time skip brought to you by taking this horse by the reins making redcoats redder with bloodstains}

     As soon as the bell rings I get a text from Eliza.

Eliiizaaaa 😘: Hey, Alex told me today is John's birthday!

You: Good to know, I tell him happy birthday, my next class is with him!

     I walk into the classroom and John is already there. I sit next to him. "Happy birthday!" I yell. "Who told you?" He asks. "Alex told Eliza and Eliza told me" I answer. "Oh, well thank you" the birthday boy says. "So what do you want to do?" I ask him.

     "Well there's this escape room called Room 13 that I booked for today. Can you come?" He asks shyly. "Of course I can!" I shout excitedly. "I didn't get you anything though" I say, suddenly remembering. "That's fine" he replies. "Alright, now let's pretend we're listening so we don't get in trouble" I say. "Well I don't know about you but I need to listen. I don't know what to do" he says, making me laugh.

{Time skip brought to you by drinking and killing cops}

John's POV

      After class is over, I call the guys to tell them to meet me at my dorm. I ask (Y/N) to call the sisters and have them meet us there too. We start walking back to our dorm. The entire way back, I'm thinking about how I'm going to ask (Y/N) to be my girlfriend.

     We walk into the dorm and the guys are already there. "The fact that you guys broke into our dorm to wait for us" (Y/N) comments. "Yeah, you guys are strange" I add on. "No we aren't" Alex says. "Alright, anyway, can I get your numbers?" (Y/N) asks the guys. "Sure" they all say. (Y/N) puts her number in all of their phones and vise versa.

     There's a knock on the door. "I'll get it, it's probably the Schuylers" (Y/N) says. "See they knock instead of just walking into people's rooms" I joke. (Y/N) walks into the room with the Schuylers. "HAPPY BIRTHDAY JOHN" the three of them yell. I start blushing. "Thank you guys."

     "So why are we all here?" Peggy asks. "Well, since it's my birthday, we're all gonna go to an escape room and try to escape" I explain. "Alright, let's go then" Herc exclaims. We all get in our cars and start driving.

{Time skip brought to you by speaking French and being the best}

     We get to the place and check in. When we walk into the room, there's a video explaining the rules and telling us a bit about the room. The room we're in is a hotel room, but if you don't escape within 60 minutes, there will be consequences. The timer starts and we all start looking for clues.

{Another time skip brought to you fucking horses and me being too lazy to write about them escaping}

     40 minutes later, we escape from the room. "Woohoo we escaped!" (Y/N) yells. "Yeah, and we got a new record" I say. "Wait really?" Laf asks. "Yep" I reply. "Well, let's go celebrate!" Eliza says. "Alright" I agree. We go out to dinner.

     All of my friends decide to tell the waitress it's my birthday, even though she was hitting on me. I could see (Y/N) getting mad at her. I grab her hand, reassuring her that it's just the waitress, nothing else. Desert comes and we split the check 8 ways.

     As we're leaving, I pull Laf over to me. "You guys head back to your dorms, I'm going to go somewhere with (Y/N) to ask her out" I tell him. "Alright mon ami, bonne chance" he replies. They leave and I drive with (Y/N) to a cliff above the ocean.

     "Why are we here John?" (Y/N) asks. "I wanted to see the sunset to make this moment more special" I say. "What do you mean?" She asks. Here it goes. "(Y/N), you're the best girl I've ever met. You're sweet, funny, smart, and you can rap and sing which is pretty cool. I bought you out here so I could ask you something. Will you give me the best birthday present and be my girlfriend?"

     "Of course I will John! I thought you would never ask" she says. I pull her close to me and kiss her. We get in the car and drive back to campus. We walk to our dorm and go to bed, except (Y/N) gets in my bed. "Thank you for the best birthday ever" I say, and we both fall asleep.

I never want to say goodbye; a John Laurens x Reader Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt