Chapter 3

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He goes along with it and doesn't tell anyone.
(Y/N)'s POV

After the the two finish arguing with each other, Herc speaks up. "Well, the group of us were coming to grab John to head to the bar, you wanna come (Y/N)?" "Sure, I'll go" you say, following the boys as they head to the bar.

As you walk into the bar, you notice all the guys are staring at you. Well, not you, but your chest. You forgot you were wearing a very revealing shirt that showed off your cleavage. You're immediately embarrassed and you pull your shirt up and look down at your feet as you continue walking. John notices you. He also notices all the guys staring and glares daggers at them. They finally stop staring. "Thank you" you whisper so only John can hear. "It's no problem" he whispers back. You finally get to a booth and the three that showed up at your door head to go get drinks, leaving you with John. The two of you start talking until the three get back with the drinks. You grab one of them just as the others do.

"Hey (Y/N) I bet I can drink this faster than you can" John taunts. "Okay" you respond, faking nervousness. "Oh, by the way, I forgot to tell you something" you say. "And what would that be" John says back to you. "I have a record for being able to chug a pint of beer the fastest" you say, smirking. You notice John getting nervous. Herc starts counting down. "3...2....1.... CHUG!" You and John both start drinking. You slam the mug on the table. "DONE!" You yell. Herc looks up from the stopwatch amazed, all while John is still drinking. There's a pause before Herc starts talking. "You did that in 12 seconds...." he says. John chokes on his beer. "WHAT!?" He yells, obviously surprised you can drink that fast. "Aww man I didn't beat my record" you say chuckling. All 4 guys are looking at you now. "Maudite" Laf says under his breath. Everyone can still hear him. "So John, what do I get for winning the bet?" You ask him. "Ummmm.... I'll give you ten bucks" he says, handing you a $10 bill. "Deal" you say, laughing.

You guys continue to drink until it's late at night. By then, all of you except for Laurens are pretty drunk, so you walk back to the dorms. The only reason John isn't drunk is because he stopped drinking after you beat him in that drinking competition. "Laurens stop being such a sore loser" Alex says. "I'm not!" Laurens shoots back. "Mhm" the rest of you say. "Shut up" John says defensively. "Fine, fine. Did you know that you look extremely hot?" You say. John starts blushing. "(Y/N) you're drunk." He tells you. "No I'm not" you say, slurring your words. You then try to kiss Laurens, forgetting all about Jefferson. "(Y/N)! You have a boyfriend!" He yells. Everyone immediately stops walking. You feel the eyes of Alex, Herc, and Laf on you. "Ooohhh yeeeaaaahh" you say with a sudden realization of how much trouble you would be in if Thomas found out about this. "Well, when you all aren't drunk, (Y/N) will tell you about her boyfriend, okay?" John tells the group, being the only slightly sober one. "Okay" the rest of them mumble as you continue walking to the college.

Once you get to the college, John starts taking everyone to their dorms. The first room you stop by is Alex and Herc's room, since they share. Then you start heading to Laf's room. Once you get their, you notice his roommate. You don't realize who it is until there's a light turned on by Laf as he walks into the room. You suddenly hide behind John. "What is it (Y/N)?" He asks you, concern in his eyes. "I-it's T-Thomas" you whisper, trying to be as quiet as possible so he doesn't notice you. As soon as John hears you, his eyes widen. He picks you up bridal style and starts running to your dorm, knowing that if Jefferson found you like this bad things would happen. As soon as the two of you get back to the dorm, John puts you on your bed. "Okay, get some sleep now" he says to you soothingly. You find this very attractive. "God you're a fox" you say charmingly, or so you think. "Okay" he says laughing, "now get some sleep." "Whatever you say" you tell him, and before you know it you're out like a light.

A/N: French translation! Maudite-goddamn. Also like my reference? 😂

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