Chapter 11

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Just as she was about to take my shirt off, we hear a knock on the door

Angelica's POV

     After a few hours at the dance, I look around the room. I notice (Y/N) and John aren't here anymore, but Thomas is. I walk over to him. "Hey Jefferson where's (Y/N)?" "I don't know, she saw me with my new girlfriend and she ran off. Then some asshole punched me in the face and ran after her." He said. Oh no. I run back over to the group.

     "Guys we have to go to (Y/N) and John's dorm. Thomas cheated on her and she's going to do something stupid" I tell them. "Like what?" Laf asks, fear in his eyes. "Cut, try and overdose, endless possibilities all ending in possible death if we don't leave now." I tell him. Everyone runs out and follows me to (Y/N)'s dorm. Luckily John is already there. I knock on the door.

     "(Y/N)? You in there?" I shout through the door. "Yeah, I'm fine now, thanks to John" she says. Thank god John stopped her. "Can we come in?" I ask. "Yeah come on in" she replies.

(Y/N)'s POV

     Angelica and the group walk into our dorm. Angelica grabs my arm and looks at the new cuts. "I didn't get here fast enough" I hear John say from behind me. "Yeah but you stopped her before she did anything else. Thank you" she tells him. "I'll do anything for the people I care about, especially (Y/N)" he says. I blush a deep red.

     "So did you two become a thing?" Alex asks, raising an eyebrow. "No, she just found out she was being cheated on" John retorts. Tears well up in my eyes, remembering what happened. John notices and pulls me into a hug. I start sobbing into his chest. "I'm sorry (Y/N)" he says apologetically. "It's.....okay" I say between sobs. "How about we watch some Disney movies at my dorm?" Herc asks. "That sounds fun!" Peggy replies. "Okay then let's go" Alex says, walking towards his dorm.

     When we get to their dorm, Herc puts on {favorite Disney movie}. We all sit down and Herc goes to the kitchen to make popcorn. Peggy follows in after him. This makes you wonder what happened while you were gone. "Hey what happened while we were gone?" I ask them. "Well..." Eliza starts, looking at Alex. "Alex asked me to be his girlfriend, and I said yes!" She exclaims. I feel my heart drop, but I fake a smile. "That's great!" I say with fake enthusiasm.

     "Well Herc asked me out too!" Peggy squeals. "And I asked Angelica to be mon amour" Laf says, Angelica blushing. I can't even fake a smile anymore and my chest is burning. I feel like I can't breathe. 'No, not right now' I think. I get random anxiety attacks sometimes, this can't be one of them. I look over at John and notice his face is pale and he's squeezing the arm rest really tightly.

John's POV

     I did not need an anxiety attack right now, especially in front of everyone. I notice (Y/N) looking at me with fear in her eyes. I grab her hand and walk away from everyone.

     "I can't breathe" I tell her after finally getting enough air. She hugs me really tightly. "Me neither" she whispers. I hold her and calm her down. After she's okay, my clothes seem to tighten around my chest. I feel tears run down my face. (Y/N) looks up at me. She kisses me then and there. The whole world seems to disappear. She pulls away and I can finally breathe again.

     "Thank you" I whisper as I pull her into a hug. "It's not a problem, now let's get back over to the couch before they think something is going on" she say with a giggle. God I love her giggle. We walk back over to the couch.


Lafayette' POV

     "Alright guys, we're gonna head back to our dorms" Angelica says on behalf of the Schuyler sisters. I'm about to leave when I remember I share a dorm with Thomas. "Hey, can I stay with you guys for the night? I don't want to have to talk to Jefferson" I start. "Plus he probably brought Maria over and I don't need to be there during that" I finish. "Yeah that's fine with me" Alex says. "Merci."

     I look over on the couch. John and (Y/N) are sitting next to each other. "They'd be really cute together" I whisper to Herc. "I know" he whispers back. He puts in another movie to start watching.

I never want to say goodbye; a John Laurens x Reader Where stories live. Discover now