Chapter 24

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"It's all in good fun (Y/N). And John, refroidissez la baise dehors" he says and we all burst into laughter.
French=chill the fuck out

(Y/N)'s POV

     I start walking around campus because I was bored and I wanted to be alone for a bit. John understood and let me go. As I was walking around I ran into Thomas.

     "Well hello (Y/N). Fancy seeing you here" he says with a smirk. "The pleasure is not mine" I hiss. "Well then, you don't have to be a bitch about it" he says, still smirking. "How about I smack the smirk off your face" I say violently.

     He stops smirking. "I'm afraid that won't happen" he says and slaps me across the face. "What the fuck dude, go back to your whore" I say, anger riddling my voice. "I don't feel like it" and he slaps me again. "How about you go back to your boyfriend that doesn't love you" he says. That hurts. "Fuck you" I say through gritted teeth.

     "Go kill yourself you slut" he says, and I run off with tears in my eyes. I get to the dorm and run in. I don't see John anywhere. Good. I run to the bathroom and start a bath. I grab the razor blade which still isn't gone and sit in the bath.

     I hear the door open. "(Y/N)? Where are you?" I don't say a thing. Instead, I slice along my veins. I gasp at the pain and quickly cover my mouth. I didn't lock the door. I don't have the strength to get up, so I sit there awaiting John.

     "(Y/N)? Wha-" he sees me lying in the tub. "WHAT THE FUCK DID YOU DO" he yells and grabs my arm. "I'm finally going to make the world happy" I whisper. "Yeah, you will" he says and slaps me. John just slapped me? "I thought you loved me?" I say sobbing. "Nope, have fun in hell you bitch" he says and slams the door. I see my entire life. When I was born, my brother being locked in a mental institution, my mother leaving, meeting Thomas, Thomas abusing me, Thomas cheating on me. Meeting John, fuc- I mean loving John, and now, sitting in a tub slowly dying. The world fades away and my breathing slows.

I'm dead

I never want to say goodbye; a John Laurens x Reader Where stories live. Discover now