Chapter 15

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"Maybe later, but right now it's my turn"
Lafayette's POV

     I'm excited to see what rap (Y/N) is going to do. I don't think she can rap faster than me. "Ready to be amazed?" (Y/N) asks me. "I don't think you can rap that fast, so sure" I say. "Wow okay" she says and starts playing the backing track. I know the beat, but I can't recognize the song yet.

     "I'm beginning to feel like a rap god, rap god" she starts. No way. That song is faster than mine and I can't rap it. I'm gonna lose. "All my people from the front to the back nod, back nod. The way I'm racing around the track call me NASCAR, NASCAR. Dale Earnhardt of the trailer park the White Trash God." She's skipping the first few verses? Why?

{Time skip brought to you by Rap God too long to type out}

      I realize she skipped the first few verses so she could rap the fastest verse. There is no way she can do it. "Lyrics coming at you at supersonic speed." The moment of truth, will I win. I don't think so. I think Hamilton lost his $50 bill.

     "Suma luma duma luma you assumin' I'm a human what I gotta do to get it through to you I'm superhuman." So good so far. "Innovative and I'm made of rubber so that anything you saying ricocheting off of me and it'll glue to you. I'm never stating more than ever demonstrating how to get a motherfuckin' audience a feelin' like it's levitating never fading and I know the haters are forever waiting for the day that they can say I fell of they be celebrating. Cause I know the way to get 'em motivated I make elevating music you make elevator music."

     Everyone is staring at her in awe. "Oh he's to mainstream, well that's what they do when the get jealous they confuse it. It's not hip hop it's pop cause I found a hella way to fuse it, I could keep this shit going forever may as well stop now."(references)

     "Well, I definitely lost, is there anything you can't do?" I ask her. Laurens shoots me a look telling me to back off. "Hé, tu es la seule qui ne sera pas lui demander des" I tell him. "Well, I can't rap Can You Keep Up by Busta Rhymes" (Y/N) says, cutting off the conversation. "Well neither can I so that's fine" I say jokingly.

     "Well, I would like my money now" she says laughing. "Right, here you go" Alex says handing her his bet. "Here's your whole $10 from me" Herc says. "And here's your early birthday present from me" John says, handing (Y/N) a $100 bill. "Thank you, thank you, and thank you" (Y/N) says.

John's POV

     I walk up to (Y/N). "See, I told you you'd win" I tell her. "Why'd you bet so much though? You've done enough just by talking to me. And I'd kiss you but we're technically not dating and everyone is still here" she tells me. I start blushing. "Well, let's leave first then" I whisper I her ear. She starts blushing a deep red.

     "Hey guys why don't we play a game?" Peggy asks. "Sure, what game?" (Y/N) asks, walking towards her. Well there goes my plan of asking her out today, it's already 8:00 at night. "Let's play twister!" Peggy squeals. "Oh my god you're such a child, I love it" Herc says. Peggy starts blushing.

     "Well I'm down" Eliza says. "Me too" Angelica follows. Soon everyone agrees to playing. "I think John and (Y/N) should go first" Laf teases. "Sounds fun, you're going down Johnny boy" (Y/N) says. "So you think" I say.

     We start playing. At first it's not too bad. "Right hand red" Eliza yells over everyone. (Y/N) moves her hand to the spot closest to me, forcing me to go under her to get to the spot. "Left foot yellow" Eliza yells again. We both put out foot on a yellow spot. Our legs tangle, causing me to fall, (Y/N) following. She falls on top of me. "So, we meet in this position again" I say, referring to the first day we met. She blushes and then starts laughing.

{Time skip brought to you by clipping bitch (nobody will understand that)}

     After playing twister for a while, the Schuylers head back to their dorm. After they leave, I walk up to Laf. "Hey Laf" I start. "Oui mon ami" he replies. "I'm going to ask (Y/N) out tomorrow" I whisper, making sure (Y/N) can't hear me. I see Alex's eyes widen. "Don't say anything loudmouth" I joke. "Alright alright, but do it, she likes you dude" he responds. I walk back over to (Y/N)

     "Can we go back to the dorm now?" She whines. "Sure" I say laughing. "Alright guys, we'll see you tomorrow" I tell the guys. "Alright you two, goodnight" Herc says. And with that, we leave and head back to our dorm.

I never want to say goodbye; a John Laurens x Reader Where stories live. Discover now