Chapter 43

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We both fall asleep in each other's embrace.
Then another book

Sorry guys I'm going to destroy the 4th wall
{another week later}

(Y/N)'s POV

OMGOMGOMG IM GETTING MARRIED TODAY! I'm in a room that they have at the church for weddings. John is with the boys somewhere else. My bridesmaids are Eliza and Angelica. My maid of honor is my best friend since 3rd grade, Carlie. She hasn't met the sisters until today. They're really getting along though.

     "Hey Eliza did you pick up the dress?" I ask. "Actually, I forgot" she says. Just then there's a knock at the door. Carlie opens it to find Herc. "Hello, I'm Hercules. What's your name?" He asks. "I'm Carlie, n-nice to meet you" she says blushing. I ship it. "Well, I have (Y/N)'s dress. Don't worry, John didn't see it" he says handing Carlie the dress. "Hope to see you again sometime Carlie" Herc says. "Hope to see you again too Hercules" Carlie says. She closes the door and walks over to us.

Carlie's POV

     God he's perfect

Herc's POV

     God she's perfect

(Y/N)'s POV

     "I ship it" I say as Carlie walks over with my dress. "Shut up" she says turning red. The rest of us start giggling. "Don't worry he's single" Angelica says. "Wha- how?" Carlie asks. "Our sister cheated on him with her fiancé's twin brother" Eliza says. Carlie makes an "o" shape with her mouth. "Get it gurl" I say. Everyone starts laughing again.

     "(Y/N) your wedding starts in an hour and you aren't ready. Get your dress on and we'll do your hair and makeup" Eliza says. "Ok mom" I say. "You called me?" My mom asks walking into the room. "Mom!" I shout running over to her. I give her a hug. "I think you should get ready" she says. I get my dress on with some help and the girls start on my hair and makeup.

John's POV

     I'm getting married in an hour. I'm totally fine. "John calm the fuck down" Alex yells at me. See? Completely fine. "I'm back guys" Herc says walking through the door. He looks completely star struck. "Oooh who'd you meet Herc?" I ask. "(Y/N)'s best friend Carlie. She's amazing" he says. "Oh yeah I've met her. She's really sweet. I think she's single too" I say. Herc's eyes widen. "I know what I'm going to do after the ceremony" Herc says. "I ship it" Laf says out of nowhere.

     I'm sitting here, waiting for the wedding to start. Alex is the best man and Laf and Herc are the groomsmen. Herc is also going to be the flower girl because I promised that he could. That was the payment for my suit. We hear a knock at the door. Laf opens the door. "Bonjour monsieur et mademoiselle Laurens! Comment ça va?" Laf asks my parents. "Bien! Et tu?" I hear my mom say. "Bien bien" Laf replies. "Well, your petite garçon is in here" Laf says going in and out of English. "Merci beaucoup Lafayette" my dad says and they all into the room.

As soon as my parents see me their jaws drop. "Wow" my mom says. "You're a very handsome young man, and miss (Y/N) is a very fine young woman" my dad says. "Thanks mom and Dad" I say. "Well, we're going to go sit down, you realize your own wedding starts in 5 minutes right?" My mom says laughing as her and my father leave. My eyes widen and I look at my watch. "Guess I better go out there" I say walking out. I can't wait to see my baby.

(Y/N)'s POV

"Ok so your makeup is done, hair is done, dress is on, our hair and makeup is done, our dresses are on, and your father is here to take you down the aisle" Eliza says. "Yes Eliza, you can calm down now" I say giggling. "Well let's go find the boys" Carlie says. "You just want to see Herc" I say. "SHUT UP (N/N)!" She says. We all burst into a fit of laughter as the girls go and find their partners.

{teeny tiny time skip like Alexander's di- AUTHOR SHUT THE FUCK UP}

     I hear the music start playing. Carlie walks down with Alex, Angelica with Laf, and Eliza with Herc, who's throwing flower petals. I soon follow them linking arms with my father. I look around and see my family, John's family, a few friends, and.... Peggy and Phillip? I didn't expect them to show up. Oh well.

     I look towards the alter and I could've sworn I saw an angel. There was John, standing there in his black suit and red bow. He looks at me and I feel tears well up. I try not to cry because the girls spent an hour on my makeup and I'm not about to ruin it. I look at John again and he's crying. His hair is down too. I like it down. I walk closer and closer, arm in arm with my father.

John's POV

     She's beautiful. No, she's more than beautiful. She's angelic. Nothing can compare to her. "Alex, she's beautiful" I say. "She really is John" he replies smiling. I feel tears drip down my face as (Y/N) gets closer. Soon she's up here and her dad is kissing her cheek. She walks up to me. "You look amazing, words can't describe how beautiful you are" I say. She smiles at me. "You don't look too bad yourself" she says giggling. I love her.

{skip to vows bc I'm lazy and Lafayette has a really big di- HEY I THOUGHT WE WERE GETTING MARRIED RIGHT ABOUT NOW!?- John bby plz I'm srry it was a joke I swear}

     (Y/N) said she wanted to say her vows first, so she's going first.

     "I, (Y/N) (L/N), affirm my love to you, John Laurens, as I invite you to share my life. You are the most handsome, smart, and generous person I have ever known, and I promise always to respect you and love you.

     With kindness, unselfishness and trust, I will work by your side to create a wonderful life together. I take you John Laurens to be my lawful husband, to have and to hold, from this day forward, for better or for worse, for richer or for poorer, in sickness and in health for as long as we both shall live" she says. I start to tear up again. Now it's my turn.

(Y/N)'s POV

     I finish my vows. Now it's John's turn.

     "(Y/N), today I become your husband and you become my wife. I will strive to give you the best of myself while accepting you the way you are. I promise to respect you as a whole person with your own interests, desires, and needs, and to realize that those are sometimes different, but no less important than my own.

     I promise to keep myself open to you, to let you into my innermost fears and feelings, secrets and dreams. I promise to grow along with you, to be willing to face change as we both change, keeping our relationship alive and exciting. And finally, I promise to love you in good times and in bad, with all I have to give and all that I am, in the only way I know how completely and forever" he says. Fuck my makeup. It's gone now.

We exchange rings and then the time comes.

John's POV

     "You may now kiss the bride." I pull (Y/N) close to me and dip her down. I kiss her passionately and everyone cheers. We come back up and walk down the aisle together and Mr. and Mrs. Laurens.

I never want to say goodbye; a John Laurens x Reader Where stories live. Discover now