Chapter 14

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And with that, the rap battle is on

(Y/N)'s POV

I'm looking in my contacts for the Schuylers when I realize I don't have John's number in my phone. "Hey John can I get your number?" I ask him. Everybody starts looking at John. Alex punches his arm playfully. "Sure, if I can have yours" John flirts, not helping the situation of all the guys staring. I start blushing as John and I switch phones.

     We put our numbers into each other's phones and switch back. I look at his contact. I had put my name as Veronica and he put his name as JD. "Great minds think alike I suppose" John says winking. "I guess, anyway I'm going to call the Schuylers over to see Lafayette get his ass beat in a rap battle." Lafayette gasps and I laugh as I call the sisters.

I call the Schuylers and they come over. "Alright so let's place bets on who's gonna win. Whoever wins gets what was bet against them" Angelica says as she walks in. "How much are we betting?" Eliza asks. "Well I bet $10 that (Y/N) is going to win" Peggy speaks up. "Well I bet $10 that Laf is going to win" Hercules says. "Well I bet $30 that (Y/N) is gonna win, because I've heard her rap before" Angelica says.

     "Well if your going to play that game I bet $50 that Laf is going to win" Alex cuts in. "Wait Alex you have $50?" I ask him with wide eyes. "Yep" he says as he pulls out a $50 bill. I think I'm about to get $50 richer. "Alright you guys are being childish. I bet $20 that (Y/N) is gonna win" Eliza says. "John who are you betting for?" Angelica asks.

     John looks up from his phone and presses something. "$100 for Laf" he says. "HOLY SHIT DUDE" I hear Herc yell from across the room. "Well in that case... I RAISE MY BET TO $110!" Peggy screeches. "You guys are-how you say- unsane?" Laf says. I laugh. "Do you mean insane?" I ask. "Ahh yes insane thank you (Y/N), now lets go" he says. I hear my phone go off.

JD: I'm only doing this because I know you'll win. Prepare to be $160 richer ;)

     I mouth the words 'thank you' before Herc starts talking. "Alright guys, ready to start?" He asks everyone. I nod along with Laf. "Alright, so the competition is to see who can rap faster. Laf, you'll go first. Ready?" Laf nods and plays the music on his phone.

     "Ski mask on with a burner cell phone" he starts. Wait, I know this song. "Desert eagle 50 cal imprint on the backbone." This is one of my favorite songs! "This one is not to be tested unless you got Smith and Wesson quick at your disposal if not better to head back home." Sure, this song is fast, but not as fast as the one I'm going to rap. "This is the business the uniform isn't unusual if you make killing a job, money is good when it's coming from behind prison walls for someone who need to get off."

     Here comes the fast verse. Can he really rap it? "Plus it'd probably beat a 9 to 5 and there is time to be outside instead of sitting at a desk and making calls. And for anyone to stay alive up in the jungle you should figure out a way to carry no remorse at all." Holy shit he nailed it. I mean, I can too, but still. We'll see how he does on the next lines.

     "All day long it is bombs over Baghdad, right in the backyard no service no draft. No reason to go out but it's no reason to stay in when the roaches are all raiding and your neighbors bumping black flag." At this point I'm fighting the urge to rap along with him. This is my favorite song from clipping.

     "Tired of living like this but not ready to die cause he isn't notorious yet. Everyone wants to be somebody people know for doing something people call glorious, yes." Here comes the next fast verse. "So he keep it pushing through the blood and the gunning down of all the people the he knew and loved to just run out of time. And the mantra that is bumping on the Walkman in the pocket probably something that's synonymous to money on the mind" I didn't think that a Frenchman could rap this fast Jesus.

     "Its action." Everyone starts cheering. "It's clipping bitch!" I yell. "You listen to them?" He asks me. "Yeah, Taking Off is my favorite song" I tell him. "Can you rap it?" He asks again. "Yeah, in fact I can" I say matter-of-factly. "Prove it" he demands. "Maybe later, but right now it's my turn."

I never want to say goodbye; a John Laurens x Reader Where stories live. Discover now