Chapter 34

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I'll probably find out soon enough.

Warning.... and not a good one.
{A few days later}

(Y/N)'s POV

Today I am going to my doctors appointment. Herc is driving me. I don't know why, but he is. Eliza and Alexander are going on a day long date. I think Alexander is planning to propose. John and Peggy said that they're going shopping. I'm still wondering what they were talking about a few days ago. It was probably nothing.

{Time skip brought to you by what I'm about to do}

     The doctor said she'll call me when the results come in. Herc and I are in front of the house. "I'm going to go to the store really quick. I'll be back in 15 minutes" Herc says as I get out of the car. "Alright then" I reply and walk inside the house. When I walk in I hear giggling and soft moaning from... Herc and Peggy's room? The only people here were.... oh my god. I run into the room and find Peggy on top of a man with curly hair and freckles.


     "WHAT THE FUCK" I scream. She looks over at me and her eyes widen. "(Y/N), I-it's not what it looks like" she says. "Really!? Because to me it looks like you're cheating on me with my fiancé" I spit at her. "No, that's not what's going on, this isn't-" she says before I cut her off. "Save it for when everyone is here you slut" I say and run out of the house.

     I immediately start crying. I quickly dry my tears the best I can when the doctor calls me. I pick up the phone. "Hello?" I ask rhetorically. "Is this (Y/N)?" The doctor asks. "Yes this is she" I answer. "Alright (Y/N), I'm happy to announce that you are in fact pregnant. Congratulations! Do you need me to read what to do and what not to do?" She says over the phone. I start to feel tears well up. "Thank you, and I don't think that will be necessary. Goodbye!" I say and hang up. I start sobbing and call Herc.

     "Hey, c-can you come p-pick me up?" I say between sobs. "I'm on my way" he says and hangs up. He didn't even ask why. He must have heard me crying. I see him pull up and run out of the car. "What happened?" He asks with a worried expression on his face. "Can we get in the car first?" I ask. He nods and we walk to his car.

"Now what happened?" He asks when we get in the car. "I'll tell you, but promise not to get mad, alright?" I say. Peggy was a part of it. "I promise?" He says confused. I take a deep breath. "Peggy and John were having-" I say before bursting into tears. "They're cheating on us Herc" I say between sobs. I look up and see a tear roll down his face. He pulls me into his embrace. Why would John cheat on me after finding out I'm pregnant? Why would Peggy cheat on Hercules?

"Let's go shopping" he says. I give him a sad smile with a tear-stained face. "Sounds fun. Let's go" I say and we head to the mall. "How about we get clothes and stuff. I'll pay" he says. "Oh no you don't have to do that, I can pay for my stuff" I say. "Fine. Just so you know the only reason I'm not arguing is because I don't think I would win in a fight with you" he says with a chuckle. I laugh.

I walk into a store that sells baby stuff. I pick out a bunch of gender-neutral outfits. I also get some toys, bottles, formula and diapers. Y'know the usual baby stuff. I walk out of the store and find Herc playing with a velvet box in his hand. He was going to propose!? Peggy I thought you were a good person. I thought you were a good person too John. Looks like I don't have good judgement.

I walk over to where he's sitting and grab his hand. "I'm sorry Herc" I say. He just nods and continues fiddling with the box. "I texted Alex, Eliza, Angie, and Laf and told them what happened. I didn't call because I know they're going to propose tonight" he speaks up. Tears streams down his face. I look at my phone and see that it's already 9:00. "Let's go home. Eliza and Alex are probably back and maybe the other two can explain what happened" I say. "Alright let's go then".

I never want to say goodbye; a John Laurens x Reader Where stories live. Discover now