Chapter 19

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I think I know what to get you for your birthday
( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°

(Y/N)'s POV

     I wake up. It's Wednesday. It's my birthday bitches! I wake John up too. "HEEEEEEYYYY" I yell jokingly. He sits up and smiles at me. "Happy birthday sexy" he says. I feel my face grow hot. He smirks. "Looks like my plan worked" he says. I can already tell this is going to be a great birthday.

     We get ready to go to our classes when I hear a knock on the door. "I'll get it" John says almost immediately, as if he knew someone would knock on the door. He opens the door. "Hey (Y/N) would you mind going into the bathroom for a few minutes?" He asks politely. What's going on?

     "Sure thing" I say and walk into the bathroom. I hear shuffling from outside the door. What the hell is going on. "Aright (Y/N) you can come out now" he says after a few minutes of me hiding. I open the door and walk  out.

     I look around and nobody is there. Just then everyone jumps out from behind something. "SURPRISE!" They all yell. It's the whole gang. Alex, Herc, Laf, Eliza, Peggy, Angelica, and John. They all run up to me and give me a gift. "Thank you guys so much! You didn't have to do this" I say. "Yes we did" Laf says with his thick French accent.

     "This is all great, but we still have class" I say, not wanting to leave. "Oh yeah" Peggy adds. "That's fine, we'll all meet back here after our classes" Herc says. "Sounds like a plan" Angelica responds. "Alright, now lets go to class" Eliza says, and we all walk out the door.

{Time skip brought to you by what the heck I gotta do}

Angelica's POV

     After all of our classes, we get to (Y/N) and John's dorm. They make such a cute couple. If John breaks her like Thomas did, that'll be the end of him. "So (Y/N) how were your classes?" Eliza asks her. "The usual, boring lectures by my teachers, Thomas and Maria telling me to kill myself" she answers. Hold up.

     "Thomas and Maria do WHAT!?" I yell. "Every day in my first class they tell me to kill myself" she says sheepishly. "I'll be right back" Herc says. "Me too" my French boyfriend says. "I'm gonna go kill them" I say, and I walk out the door with Laf and Herc.

     "Where are you two going?" I ask them. "To kill Thomas" they answer in sync. "I wanted to do that" I complain. "You can go kill Maria, cause if we do it, she'll say we sexually assaulted her" Herc says. "What the hell why?" I ask. "Because she's that type of person" Laf answers. "Alright I'll see you guys later, I'm gonna head to Maria's dorm" I say. I kiss Laf and walk towards her dorm.

     I don't even knock when I get there. I just walk in. "What the fuck are you doing?" She yells when I walk in. I grab her by the collar of her blouse. "No, what the fuck are you doing telling my best friend to kill herself?" I yell back. She smirks. "She deserves it" she says. I smack her across the face and let go of her shirt. I back up so I can get a better angle. I punch her in the face and she passes out.

Hercules' POV

     We walk into Thomas and Laf's dorm. "There you are you fucking French orphan, who's this?" He says, pointing at me. "I'm the friend he brought with him to beat your ass." Thomas stands up. He's as tall as Lafayette, so he's taller than me. That's not going to stop me from knocking him out.

     "You guys think you're going to beat me up? Why?" He asks with a snicker. "Because you told our friend to kill herself, connard" Laf responds. I have no clue what that means, but I go along with it anyway. (Motherfucker)

     "Wow Marquis watch your mouth" Thomas says sarcastically. Lafayette punches him in the mouth. "That should shut him up" I say. Thomas flips Laf off. "What, at a loss for words?" I taunt as I punch him in the stomach. He falls to the floor. Laf kneels next to him and lifts him up by his shirt with one hand. "Bonnie nuit" are his words before he knocks Thomas out.

{Time skip brought to you by being sexually attracted to 'that's me'}

Alex's POV

     Angelica, Laf, and Herc all come back. "What'd you guys do?" (Y/N) asks. "Let's just say Maria is taking a nap" Angelica says. "Thomas won't be waking up for a while. He also can't talk" Laf says. "Jesus guys" John says. "Hey what did you do to stop any of this? Nothing" I say. "Actually, I got (Y/N)'s classes changed so she doesn't share any with those two" he responds.

     Everyone's jaw drops. "Okay we just knocked them out, you actually did something about it" Herc says. "Honey apologize to John" Eliza whispers in my ear. "I'm sorry for assuming thing Laurens" I say. "It's fine" he says. "Thank you babe" (Y/N) tells John. He starts lightly blushing.

     "It wasn't a problem. You have the same classes as me since we're taking the same course" he says. I walk over to Laurens. "Take (Y/N) somewhere so we can set up" I whisper so only he can hear. He nods in agreement. "Hey, (Y/N), come with me" he says. "Why?" She asks. "Because I want to take you out for your birthday" he replies. They walk out the door and we start setting up.

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