Chapter 12

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(Y/N)'s POV

As we start watching the next movie, John looks at me. "Do you know what you want for your birthday yet?" He asks. "A boyfriend who actually loves me" I reply. "I don't know, I'll try to get that for you, but I don't think I can" he says with a smirk on his face. I smile and look towards the tv. I find myself starting to doze off. I close my eyes, but I can still hear everyone.

"Pourquoi n'êtes-vous pas deux ensemble?" Laf asks. "Parce qu'elle vient de sortir une relation" John replies. "Mais vous deux êtes mignon ensemble" Laf says. I open my eyes and they stop talking.

John's POV

I start talking to Lafayette in French in case (Y/N) can hear. I see (Y/N) open her eyes and I stop talking. She sits up. "What were you guys talking about?" She asks. I panic. "It was nothing" I tell her. "Alright, well lets do something fun!" She exclaims. "(Y/N), it's 1 in the morning" Herc tells her. "So? Let's play never have I ever" she says. "This isn't going to end well, but okay" Alex says. "Alright, I'm in" Laf replies. "Well I guess I'm in too" I finally say.

     "Alright everybody put up five fingers" she says. Everyone puts up five fingers. "I'll go first. Never have I ever had sex" she says. 'Off to a great start' I think, and put a finger down. I see Herc put down a finger too. "John you aren't a-how you say- virgin?" Laf asks me. "Nope, now lets get to the next question" I say, desperately trying to change the subject.

     "Alright I'll go next" Laf says. "Never have I ever dated the same gender" he says. I see (Y/N) put down a finger along with Alex and me. "Hold up (Y/N) you've dated a girl?" Alex asks her. "Yep, you've dated a guy?" She asks back. "Yeah, in fact-" I cut him off. "Alex shut up right now" I tell him. "Wait.... you two dated each other? OMG I SHIP IT SO HARD!" She says. I mentally facepalm.

     "My turn! Never have I ever kissed the same gender" Herc says. Only (Y/N) puts down a finger. "Aww man you two never kissed?" She asks Alex and me. "Nope, sorry to sink your ship" Alex says. (Y/N) fake pouts and crosses her arms. "I guess my turn? Never have I ever played 7 minutes in heaven" Alex says. Everyone except Alex and me puts a finger down. "Well then" I say, breaking the silence. "Never have I ever lived in a different country" I say, not being able to think of something interesting. Everyone except me puts a finger down.

     "Wait where have you guys lived?" I ask. "France" Laf says. "That was obvious" (Y/N) says. "I lived in Ireland" Herc says. "I was a kid in the Caribbean" Alex says. "(Y/N) where did you live?" Herc asks. "Japan..." she trails off. "That's cool" Alex says. "In 2011" she finishes. "Oh shit" I say. "Yeah, that shit gave me PTSD" she says. "Me too. What triggers it?" Alex asks. "Air raid sirens and earthquakes. You?" She says. "Storms, I was in a hurricane" he says. Of course, everyone already knew this. "Wait, they test the tsunami sirens at the beginning of each month. The beginning of the month is in a week" I say. "I know" she says.

     "Well let's continue the game" I say. "Alright. Never have I ever masturbated" (Y/N) says. Welp, back to the interesting questions. All the guys put a finger down. I only have two fingers up, along with Laf and Alex. Herc and (Y/N) only have one. "Well then... Laf you can go now" (Y/N) says.

     "Never have I ever watched porn" Laf says. Everyone except (Y/N) and Laf puts a finger down. "Herc you're out" (Y/N) says. "Man I wanted to win. Wait Laf if you don't watch porn, how do you get off?" Herc says. "I read smut" Laf says. "You're weird. Anyway it's my turn since Herc is out" Alexander says. "Never have I ever fallen in love with someone." Am I in love with (Y/N)? Oh my god. I am. I am in love with her.

     As I put a finger down, I see (Y/N) put a finger down as well. Is she in love with me? Probably not. Suddenly Alex breaks the silence. "WAIT I GOT MYSELF OUT GODDAMNIT" he shouts. "Yay I win!" Laf says. Everyone starts laughing. "Well that was.... interesting.... but it was fun" (Y/N) says. "Yeah, it was" Alex replies. "Let's watch another movie!" Herc says with excitement. "Okay" (Y/N) says with a giggle. OH MY GOD THAT GIGGLE WILL BE THE DEATH OF ME.

     Herc puts in another movie and we all start watching. After a few minutes, Herc falls asleep. (Y/N) puts her head in my lap and falls asleep soon after. "Donc mon ami, qui êtes-vous en amour avec?" Laf asks me. "Laf je pense que je suis en amour avec (Y/N)."

I never want to say goodbye; a John Laurens x Reader Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora