Chapter 29

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"Don't even try to deny it" I say and we pass out curled up next to each other.

Guys I only need to write 22 more chapters then this book is finished. Ideas for next book? Hamilton themed.
Thanks for 1k reads!!!!
Also change of plans you aren't staying with your parents for Christmas

John's POV

I have permission from both parents to marry (Y/N). Now I just have to tell everyone the plan. We're going to hang out with them for the rest of the break and (Y/N) and I are leaving today. We say goodbye and hail a taxi to take us to the airport. Everyone is still in Massachusetts except for Laf and Angelica. They went to France. Well, Laf went to France and took Angelica. (Yes I'm changing everything completely bc I'm different)

     We get to the airport and frantically search for our gate. When we get there they are already boarding. We rush to the line to board and get on the plane. We find our seats and finally relax. Well, not (Y/N), she's afraid of flying. I grab her hand and look at her.

"We will be alright, okay? Don't worry" I say calmly. She nods and looks at the seat in front of her. I squeeze her hand and we take off. I start to drift off and I notice (Y/N) is already asleep. I smile and nod off.

{Time skip brought to you by a mistake I made that only one person noticed before I changed it}

     We landed and got our bags. We're waiting at the front for the rest of the group when I hear a familiar squeal. "JOHN!! (Y/N)!!!" The voice squeals. "PEGGY!" (Y/N) and I both scream simultaneously. We get a bunch of weird looks but I don't care. We hug Peggy and get in the car with everyone else.

     Peggy sits in the passengers seat and immediately gets on her phone. Eliza is driving. Herc and Alex are sitting in the very back. I get a text from Peggy.

Puggle 💛: So... did you follow the plan?

Johnnyboy 🐢: yep, I got permission from both, just need to tell everyone else

     I put my phone down and so does Peggy. I see her smiling to herself. She was the only one I told since she was my closest friend. We decided we would go to Herc's house since he lives near the school and his parents are on vacation in Ireland. We get to the house and- OMG ITS AMAZING. "Herc why don't you invite us over more?" I ask jokingly. Everyone laughs. "I don't know, I probably should though" he says still laughing. We talk for a little longer. "Well I'm going to bed guys" (Y/N) says. "Alright babe I'll meet you upstairs" I respond and she nods.

She walks upstairs to the room we're staying in. I turn the group and get their attention. "Alright guys I need your help" they all turn to me. "So I'm going to propose to (Y/N) on Christmas morning" I say and everyone gasps. "Did you tell Angie? You realize (Y/N) is her best friend right?" Eliza tells me. "Yes I called her the other day, she's happy with it" I say stopping Eliza's worrying. "How are you going to do it?" Alex asks me.

I explain my idea and I see everybody smiling. "That's a genius idea!" Herc almost shouts, realizing (Y/N) is trying to sleep. "Yeah, especially since she's obsessed with musicals" Peggy adds on. "And that's her favorite song ever!" Eliza says. "Guys, I know this, that's why I planned it" I say. "So why do you need our help?" Alex asks. I hand them each a piece of paper with a list on it.

1. Continue with Christmas like normal people

2. Distract (Y/N) while I walk out of the room

3. Someone tell her she has one more gift

4. Play music

5. Propose

6. Pray to god she says yes

Everyone looks up from the paper and nods. "Don't worry John, we'll help you" Herc says putting a hand on my shoulder. "Thank you guys" I say. "Happy to help" Peggy says. "I'm sure she'll say yes" Eliza says. "God I hope so."

I never want to say goodbye; a John Laurens x Reader Where stories live. Discover now