Chapter 37

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"We're all okay."

Also I'm going on an 8 hour road trip so I'll probably update a bit
{Two months later}

(Y/N)'s POV

     Today I was going to find out the gender of the baby. I'm so excited! I still have a few hours though so John and I went to the mall for a bit. He's taking me clothes shopping and bra shopping since none of mine fit anymore. He grabs my hand and leads me into Victoria's Secret. My eyes widen. He doesn't even know that I'm going to spend all of his money.

{smol time skip bc I don't want to explain shopping bc I hate shopping with a fiery passion}

We are about to walk out of the store when I see an all too familiar face. Thomas. I hide behind John. "Why are you hiding?" John asks. I point in the direction of Thomas and he nods. We walk into the corner of a store hoping that Thomas doesn't see us. To our luck, he walks up to us.

"(Y/N)! I'm so happy to see you!" He says sarcastically. He walks closer to me when John shoves him out of the way. "Don't fucking touch her" he says with his hands in fists. Thomas puts his hands up in defense. "I'm not going to touch her" he says. "I'm going to hurt her" he starts. "And the baby" he finishes pointing to my stomach.

"The hell you will" I say glaring at Thomas. He just smirks and shoves John out of the way. He walks closer and closer to me. Soon he's inches away. He puts and hand to my cheek and rubs his thumb over my tears. I was crying? "Don't cry" he says, then slaps my face, leaving a bruise. "What the fuck dude!" John shouts, shoving Thomas against a wall. He punches him in the face, leaving Thomas with a broken bleeding nose. Again, Thomas just smirks.

"Now why'd you think that was a good idea?" He says. He follows his statement with a punch to John's face, knocking him out. I'm about to scream when Thomas covers my mouth. "That's not smart darlin'" he says with his sick southern accent. I try to scream and he knees me in the stomach. He continues punching my stomach until I'm on the floor.

I see someone walk past. I get their attention and they call 911 seeing that I'm being assaulted. They hold up 2 fingers and sit at a nearby shop so they don't raise suspicion. 2 minutes. Thomas pulls out a pocket knife. He grabs my arm and cuts across. I bite my lip in pain, trying to to scream out. He stabs my shoulder and I almost pass out. I wish he didn't knock John out. He's about to stab my stomach when I hear a familiar phrase.

"Drop the weapon and put your hands on your head" the voice says. The cops are here. Thank god. Thomas drops the knife and puts his hands on his head as he was told. A police officer comes over and handcuffs him, taking him away. Paramedics come and pick John and I up. 'It's going to be okay' I think and everything goes black.

{time skip brought to you by Justin time (that's not a name it's a reference)}

I wake up in a white room with bandages and an IV drip in my arm. Damn he beat me up that bad. I look over and see John sitting in the chair beside me with an ice pack on his face. "Hey babe" I croak out. John looks up and smiles. "You're awake!" He shouts and hugs me. He pulls away just enough to give me a kiss. "So how's the baby?" I ask hoping he knows. "They didn't tell me yet" he says. Just then the doctor walks in. "I'm happy to say that the girls are fine Ms. (L/N)" the doctor says with a grin.

"Wait, girls? With an s?" John asks with excitement in his voice. "Yes Mr. Laurens, you're having twins" the doctor says. I smile at John as he wraps me in his embrace. "Ms. (L/N) you can leave today if you'd like" the doctor says smiling. "Actually I would" I say and the doctor takes the IV drip out of my arm. I sit up. The doctor walks out as a nurse walks in. "Your friend is here with clothes for you" the nurse states and walks back out. Just then Angelica walks in with my clothes.

"Angie you're back!" I shout. "Yes I am. Congratulations on the twins" she says. I smile and hug her as I take the clothes. "How's Laf?" I ask. "He's fine, he's still mad at my sister" she says. "Aren't we all?" I ask rhetorically. "Yeah pretty much" she says with a laugh. "Well thanks for the clothes" I say and she walks out of the room. John closes the door and I start changing.

"Damn, even with cuts, bruises, and a baby bump you're still hot as hell" John says. I blush at his statement and get my clothes on. "Alright loverboy let's go" I say and we finally head home. Now to tell everyone about the twins.

I never want to say goodbye; a John Laurens x Reader Where stories live. Discover now