Chapter 40

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I don't say a word.

{time skip}

(Y/N)'s POV

     Today's the party! Woohooo!!!!! I really like parties, I'm a 5 year old on the inside. I have an idea though. I'll explain it to the gang later, but it's amazing. DONT FUCKING DOUBT ME! The boys learned that the hard way when they ended up giving me money for bets.

     We go to our new house with all of our stuff. We also get the baby stuff that we kept at Herc's house until we moved out of the dorm. I know that this weekend John and I are going shopping for wedding clothes with our half of the gang. Me with the Schuylers, John with the boys.

     "Hi" John says out of the blue. "Hi?" I ask questioningly. He picks me up and kisses me. "Put me down!" I shout laughing. He spins me around once and sets me on the ground. We both burst into laughter as he kisse s me one more time and we get in his car.

     "So you excited for next weekend?" John asks. "Of course I am! I'm marrying the love of my life. Besides cake but that's a different story" I say. He gives me a fake hurt face. "You love cake more than you love me!?" He says stifling a laugh. "I could never" I start. He smiles. "Buuuuuut I might love cake more" I say. We both start laughing. We finally get to our new home.

John's POV

     It's beautiful, just like (Y/N). I can't believe I'm going to marry her. Not only that, have a family with her. I wouldn't trade her for anything. Not even my own life. We walk into the house and it's amazing.

     "It's huge!" (Y/N) exclaims. "You know what else is huge?" I say raising an eyebrow. She smirks and walks over to me. She leans in to whisper something in my ear. "My ass." We both fall down laughing when we hear a knock on the door.

     "That must be one of the others" I say. I get up and help my fiancé up. We walk to the door and find Lafayette standing in front of it with everyone. "Surprise!" They all shout. "It's wasn't really a surprise, we knew you where coming" (Y/N) says giggling.


     "Come in" I say leading everyone in. They set their stuff down and head out to the backyard where the pool is. Herc jumps in pulling Laf with him. "Herc, mon ami, why'd you do that?" Lafayette asks with annoyance in his voice. "Désolé" Herc says. "OMG YOU LEARNED FRENCH" Laf practically screams. "Oui" Herc responds. Lafayette screams like a teenager going to see Miranda live with the original cast. Everyone else starts laughing.

(I'm tap tap tapping on the fourth wall, waving through a window)

     Laf starts speaking rapidly in French. "Laf slow the fuck down even I can't understand you" (Y/N) says. We laugh once more and I pull her closer. "I love you" she says. "I love you too" I reply. "Can we get in the pool now?" She asks. "Of course" I say kissing her forehead. We walk to the edge of the pool and dip in.

     "Holy shit that's cold!" I hear someone shout from the other end of the pool. I look up and see Angelica hopping out of the pool. I chuckle and look at (Y/N) who's already staring at me.

(Y/N)'s POV

     He's so hot. His eyes are such a beautiful hazel-green color. His freckles outnumber the stars at night. His curls bounce when he walks. His smile outshines the morning sun. His abs are like.... woah. I never met anyone like him though. And his laugh... his laugh is angelic. So is his voice. I could listen to him talk about anything and not get bored. I find my eyes traveling down his body to his v-line.

God if I wasn't pregnant I would've fucked him right then and there.

     I look back up at his face and stare for a bit. He looks at me and sees me staring. "I love you you know" I say. "I love you too" he responds. We share a passionate kiss and start talking.

{time skip brought to you by my references for daaaayyyys}

     It starts to get late and everyone goes back to the college campus. Alexander did like he said he would and stayed out of the pool. Eliza was a sweetheart and sat with him the entire time. They're a cute couple, but not as cute as John and I. I forgot to tell them about my idea, but I'll tell them tomorrow. Or on the weekend. Either or.

     John and I walk to our bedroom. He lays on the bed and I snuggle up next to him. "Goodnight baby" he whispers. "Goodnight other babies" he says putting a hand on my belly. I giggle and kiss him. "Goodnight you loveable goofball" I say. What the heck did I do to be with you.


Sorry for not updating school is just.... ugh
I hate it.
I will attempt to update AT LEAST once a week. If I don't update within a week, give me a dare to do and I'll post a video of me doing it.

I will also put small updates on the conversation section so be sure to check those!

If you didn't already know, your girls are Naomi and Nicki.

Choose a Hamilton character any Hamilton character (not john bc this story is about him)

Thanks for reading!

Love y'all

I never want to say goodbye; a John Laurens x Reader Where stories live. Discover now