Chapter 22

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"I love you too" I say, and we both fall asleep in each other's arms

Guys I'm really sorry about the sucky last chapter
(Y/N)'s POV

I wake up in John's arms completely naked. Remembering the events of last night, I start blushing. I notice John starting to stir next to me. "Good morning beautiful" he says yawning. "Morning handsome" I retort, trying to out-do him.

"Morning smoking hot goddess" he says, silently starting a competition. "Morning sex god" I say, knowing that I've won. "Fuck you" he says blushing. "But you already did last night" I reply. He smirks. "Well fuck you again." "I would agree, but we have classes and I don't think I can walk properly" I say. "Fine" he groans as he gets up and gets clothes on. I soon follow after.

"Ready to go to your new classes with me?" He asks. "No, I told you, I can't fucking walk" I reply laughing. "Well, looks like I'm going to have to carry you." "By all means, if you can carry me around all day do it" I say, silently wishing for him to carry me.

As if he read my mind, he picks me up bridal-style and carries me to our first class. He decides to start a conversation. "So, any new musicals you like" he asks. "Actually, I've been listening to 21 Chump Street. I've never been more sexually attracted to someone saying "that's me" before in my life" I say. John fakes looking hurt.

"Well I'll have you know that I can sound exactly like Justin Laboy" he chuckles. Now that I think about, they sound exactly the same. "Prove it" I challenge. "Here I'll start you off. One of the schools included in the plan was Park Vista Community High School, where a kid named Justin Laboy-" he cuts me off. "That's me."

"Holy shit you were right" I say almost immediately. He winks at me. "I can be Justin Laboy if you want~". "Alright chill out babe, I'm not that attracted to him... maybe.... actually-" he cuts me off with laughter. "Actually, if I found out about the musical a year ago, that's how I'd want to be asked to prom" I say.

John's POV

I take what she says into account. We both love musicals, and apparently I look and sound like Justin Laboy. I wonder where she got that from. I don't think we look anything alike. We get to our first class. "So the classes are the same subjects as your old ones, just different professors" I tell her. She nods in understanding.

{Time skip brought to you by it's so fucking humid help me I'm writing this at 3 in the morning}

"Hey do you want to go to the bar later with the group?" I ask. I'm still carrying her around. "If you carry me there that's fine" she replies. "Well I've been carrying you all day so I think I can handle it" I joke. As soon as I say that I run into Herc.

"Hey Laurens wha- why are you carrying (Y/N)" he says. "She can't walk" I say. He immediately understands what I mean. "Damn John, why'd you go so hard on her" he says with a smirk. "Hey she wanted it" I reply. "Alright you two can shut the fuck up now, also if you tell anyone else John I will never fuck you again" she says. "You wouldn't do that" I say. "Yeah I would, I'll fuck Laf instead" she says. "THE FUCK YOU WILL" Angelica yells out of nowhere. Everyone starts laughing. "Believe me Angie, I'm not gonna steal your man" she says.

Soon our entire group is together. "Alright let's go get drunk!" Peggy yells. "That's my girl" Herc says pulling her next to him. "Awwwww" (Y/N) says. "Ewwwww" Alex says. "Alex stop being a Jefferson" Eliza says testing him. "I'L HAVE YOU KNOW-" "Alex..... chill" is all she says to get him to calm down. "Alright let's go to the bar" Laf says, and we start walking.

As soon as we get to the bar we start drinking. Before you could listen to the entire 21 Chump Street musical, all of us are drunk. Except for me. I'm slightly more sober than everyone else so they don't do stupid shit.

"Hé bébé revenons à ma place" Laf says to (Y/N). I glare at him. He's more drunk than he's ever been in his life. So is (Y/N). This isn't going to end well. "On dirait une grande idée" (Y/N) responds. "(Y/N) you know French?" I ask. "Shit... you weren't supposed to know that" she answers. So the entire time I've been talking about her in French thinking she couldn't understand me, she knew exactly what I was saying.

"Well fuck me gently with a chainsaw" I say. "Goddamnit stop being a nerd Laurens" Alex shouts. "Hey I can do whatever the fuck I want last time I checked" I shout back. Everyone bursts into laughter. "Can we go home? I feel like I'm dying" (Y/N) says. "That's what you get for trying to beat Laf in a drinking competition. He will win if he wants to" Herc says. "Yeah yeah whatever let's go" she slurs again. "Alright let's go, you guys can stay if you want, I'm taking (Y/N) home" I say. There's a chorus of "okay"s as I take (Y/N) home.

By the time we get to the dorm, (Y/N) seems to have sobered up a little bit. "So how long have you been listening to conversations between Laf and me?" I decide to ask her. "Since you've started having them" she says with her head bowed. "Well then" I say with a chuckle. "I'm sorry I didn't tell you, Alex knew though, I'm surprised the loudmouth didn't tell you first" she says laughing. "It's fine, I'm surprised too. Let's go to bed now" I say. She nods and follows me to bed, passing out curled up next to me.

I never want to say goodbye; a John Laurens x Reader Where stories live. Discover now