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Alison's POV:
   It's been years. The girls moved out of rosewood, as I stayed behind. We all ended on good terms. But something doesn't feel right. We all still talk and we even planned to get together in Rosewood this weekend. Something's missing from my life. I just can't figure it out.
   I'm seeing a guy named Elliot Rollins. He's twenty-four, he's tall, handsome, he's got chocolate brown eyes, and amazing dark hair. We've been together for almost four years. At first, I was all about him. Then the girls left, and I felt weird with him. I wasn't as happy as I was. And I didn't feel the same about him. I still push it off as I'm just upset they left town. But I know it's deeper than that. I was broken from my thoughts when my phone started to blow up with texts.


Aria: "Hey guys. We still meeting up at the Grille?"

Spencer: "Yeah! Right?"

Hanna: "Duh."

Emily: "Of course. I'm starving."

Hanna: "That's my line Em!"

Emily: "Oh well. Haha. Ali? Where are you?"

Alison: "Sorry Em. And yeah, we're still meeting up. Sorry I was cleaning."

Emily: "Its okay."

Aria: "Yeah it's fine. I'm getting ready to leave now."

Hanna: "Same!"

Alison: "I guess we're meeting up sooner. Are you all at the same hotel?"

Spencer: "Yep. Since Hanna's mom works here, we got the biggest suite."

Alison: "Nice job mama Marin."

Hanna: "Right. See ya girls soon!"

End of texts:

   I smiled at the thought of seeing them again. It's been so long. I got ready and headed to The Apple Rose Grille. I got there and saw a familiar brunette. I smiled and walked up behind her and placed my hands over her eyes.

Alison: "Guess who?"

Emily: "No way."

   I uncovered her eyes as she stood up and threw her arms around me. We exchanged "I miss you's" and compliments towards one another.

Alison: "Em you look amazing."

Emily: "So do you Ali. I can't believe it's been like five years already. I'm sorry we didn't come to see you soon."

Alison: "I cannot expect you guys to come back to Rosewood. But I'm glad you did. I've missed you all."

   Just as I said that, the rest of the girls walked in. We all hugged and then sat down. We ordered our food and talked about how we've been and what's going on in our lives.
   Hanna is now a clothing designer. Aria is working for a published hoping to get her own works published.  Spencer is republican and her mom's journalist. Emily's working at a bar as she attends college to be a teacher. More specifically, a swim coach. Which is funny because I'm now a teacher at our old high school.

Aria: "So Em, how's the food?"

Emily: "So good. God I love Italian."

   I giggled.

Hanna: "Yeah. Wait you guys remember those pics Emily posted drunk with her hands all over that Italian girl."

Spencer: "Yeah didn't you date her?"

Emily: "Tried to. It was so hard. I had to use google translate a lot. It was not fun at all."

Aria: "Awh Em. Poor baby."

   I smiled weakly. It kind of upset that Emily was seeing someone new. Even though I am too and it's been years since we even talked about our feelings for one another.

Aria: "What about you Ali? Anyone new!!?"

Alison: "Uh yeah. I've been seeing this guy Elliot for four years now. He's a doctor."

   I showed them a picture and all the girls but Emily gushed over him.

Hanna: "God Ali! He's so hot. I'd leave Caleb for him. Wait no I wouldn't. Shhh."

Spencer: "I suddenly wanna fall down the stairs now."

Alison: "Alright guys. I get it he's a hottie. I miss your guys' humor."

   We laughed and finished eating.

Emily's POV:
   Alison's new boyfriend made me wanna puke. But, I kinda smiled on the inside because his facial features look like me. His eyes and hair. The way his jaw is structured. The only thing that's different is I'm so much darker than him. It made me smile Ali found someone kind of like me. But it made me sad because it wasn't me. I wanted to tell Ali I wanted her too. But I still thought Alison was just using me like she used to. And now I see, she wasn't. I was an idiot to leave. Despite my anger for her at that moment. The day we made up is the day I should've kissed her and asked her to be mine. I guess I'll never know what it's like to be Alison Lauren Dilaurentis'.

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