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Emily's POV:
I was awaken from my sleep to see my beautiful fiancé. She leaned down and kissed me lovingly.

Alison: "Hi beautiful."

Emily: "I missed you."

Alison: "I missed you too. But I think the girls missed you more."

   After she said that the girls came running in with Hanna and Aria following behind them. I held them in my arms as they covered my cheeks with kisses. I smiled so much my cheeks began to hurt. I love my family more than anything.

Emily: "Thank you guys for staying with Alison and the girls. I don't know what I'd do without you guys."

Hanna: "Duh!"

Aria: "What she meant to say was, you're welcome. We enjoy spending time with them when we can."

   We hugged them as they said their goodbyes. They were having boy toy withdrawals. Which is fine because I was having an Alison withdrawal. The girls asked us if they could go play in their rooms. We of course said yes, they have more manners than anyone I know. They ask to do stuff even if it's their toys or their room. I hope they stay like this forever.
   Lily and Grace raced up the stairs giggling and holding hands. Alison plopped down next to me on the couch and laid her head on my shoulder. I wrapped my arm around her with my arm hanging over her chest. She grabbed my hand and intertwined our fingers before giving the back of my hand a small kiss.

Alison: "Thank you."

Emily: "What're you thanking me for?"

Alison: "For being you. For being the perfect mother to our beautiful daughters."

Emily: "You're more of their mom than I am. I mean you're their ACTUAL mother."

Alison: "Em, that's got nothing to do with that. Yeah some people would disagree. But you're just as much their mom as I am. Despite if they have your DNA or not. Where's this coming from?"

Emily: "A little bit ago..I took the girls with me shopping and a woman stopped to compliment how beautiful the girls are. And Grace said she looked like her mommy. And the woman looked at me funny because I don't have blonde hair and blue eyes. So, I proudly told her the truth about her real mommy. I just showed her a picture and said that the girls looked like my fiancé. She scoffed and said something about how no mater how much I try, I'll never be their real mother."

Alison: "Baby, no. Don't listen to her. Without you, they wouldn't be here. As much as I hate to say this..without you I probably would've..well not have kept them. Especially after finding out the truth about them."

Emily: "I'm sorry it happened that way. But I'm glad something good came from it. I love you and the girls so much."

Alison: "I love you too."

Emison: The Good, The Bad, and The UglyDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora