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No One's POV:

Derek: "I'm Lily and Grace's father."

Alison and Emily looked at each other in disbelief. They genuinely thought Archer was the father. And Archer was in jail.

Emily: "That's impossible."

Derek: "I know it sounds crazy..but I have all the papers right here to prove it."

He pulled out some papers from his back pocket. They were from a clinic that Archer used to impregnate Alison. It had his picture and donor ID on it. Derek was the biological father of Lily and Grace.

Alison: "You need to leave. Now."

Derek: "Please..don't. I just want to meet them and get to know them."

Alison: "How did you even find us?"

Derek: "I've known where you guys were for a few months. I was scared to say something, but this was a perfect oppurtunity."

Emily: "You thought wrong. Archer was dangerous..how do we know you aren't."

Alison: "Please leave. Now! I will call the police right now if you don't."

Derek sighed as he took one last look at the girls and left. Alison and Emily looked over the papers a few more times...it was one undred percent real. Ali took the papers and went into the house. She put them in a desk drawer and locked it. She started to cry in anger and frustration. Emilly followed her and knealed down infront of her face.

Emily: "Hey, shhh. It's okay honey."

Alison: "No, it's not. What if he is dangerous? What if he hurts the kids?"

Emily: "I won't let that happen. Nobody is gonna hurt my babies, or you. Look, I'm not to fond of him just showing up like that, trust me. But if he wanted to hurt us or the girls...he had months to do so. But he didnt. Look, just in case I will call and change the locks. And we'll get a home security system, okay? And I will talk to him, away from the house and the girls. But right now, we need to focus on our beautiful girls. That's what matters right now. Me, you,and the family we built together. I love you, and I'm going to protect you and our family."

Ali hugged and kissed Emily. She dried her tears and they both returned to the party like nothing ever happened.

Emison: The Good, The Bad, and The UglyWhere stories live. Discover now