Chapter Twenty-Five

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Rob slid into the seat beside Becky in physics. She glared at him. He quickly held up his hand, and then scrawled on a sheet of paper. Don't worry I'm not talking to you just need to organize Linc's next session. Friday arvo suits me. What about you? He pushed it towards her.

What was he playing at? Becky read the note. Smart arse. She bit on her lip to stop from smiling. She wrote. Can't do Friday.

Why not?

I'm working.

Saturday then at the public pool?

What time?



Rob took the note and went to his own desk where he sat next to Greg. "Hey."

Greg smirked. "What was that all about?"

"I'm doing some extra training with Becky's brother. Just had to organize a time." Rob arranged his books and sat forward. Greg elbowed him. Rob jerked. "What?"

"What was with the note writing backwards and forwards?" Greg tweaked his head and grinned. "Why not just use your mouth?"

"She hates me. I'm not allowed to talk to her." Rob smirked and shrugged his shoulders.

"Has that got something to do with what happened at Scott's party?" Greg chuckled.

"Yeah." Rob laughed. "It has everything to do with what happened at Scott's party."

Later that day some of the hockey team sat in the café talking about the short corner set up they'd just practiced in training. Rob had pushed the ball out to Drew who had trapped it, and then quickly pass it to Greg who'd take the shot. It was a good play and had come off well.

"I'd really like Tim to let us fool around with it. Make up some more plays," Drew said as he took a bite of his burger.

"How do you mean?" Greg looked at him over the top of his can of coke.

"I reckon we could make a couple more tricky plays. Out of the ordinary. We're stronger now. Rob's really accurate. Fast and hard. He'd have the strength to get the ball to the far side of the circle. If we brought Shorty up from the back to trap it, and then take a shot I reckon it'd really screw with the other teams." He grinned. "Don't get me wrong. Today's play was great but we need a few different ones thrown in every now and then to confuse the opposition."

"Yeah." Greg nodded. "I reckon that'd work."

"What would work?" Rob slid onto the bench beside Shorty, tore open his burger, and took a bite.

"Drew's just come up with another idea for a short corner." Shorty jerked his head. "Tell him, Drew."

Drew finished explaining his idea and gave Rob a quizzical look. "So do you reckon that would work? Could you get it out hard and fast enough?"

"Maybe." Rob shrugged. "It sounds good. We'll put it to Tim and give it a go on Tuesday." He gave it some more thought. "The only problem with it, is bringing Shorty up for that one play. The other teams would know as soon as he came forward what we were up to so Shorty would have to come up for every short corner."

"That'd work even better." Greg beamed. "That'd really bluff them. They wouldn't have a clue what we were doing."

"Are you guys still talking about hockey?" Trin sat in beside Rob. She shoved him with her butt. "Move over and let a girl in would you."

"Trin you really are pushy." Rob laughed, held her gaze for a moment, and then moved along the bench seat saying, "Move your arse, Shorty. Trin's making demands."

A shadow crossed the table. Becky slid onto the booth seat beside Drew. Rob glanced across at her but she was looking down opening her burger.

Drew gave her a jab with his elbow. "What. You don't say hello anymore?"

She smiled at him. "Hello, Drew." She looked around the table but didn't look at Rob. "Hello, everyone."

"Ah... better." Drew jabbed her again. "How's it going with Linc?" He looked from Becky to Rob.

Rob waited to see if Becky would answer.

Trin jumped in with, "How's what going with Linc?"

"Rob's doing some extra work with him in the pool." Drew took a gulp of his drink and looked from one to the other. "So how's it going?"

"Yeah... good." Rob shrugged. "We've only done one session so far. I'm using some of his stretches with the rest of the guys in training too."

"Do you think it's making a difference?"

"Bit early to tell." Rob shoved some chips into his mouth. "But ask Becky."

"So how's he liking it?" Drew reached over and took some chips.

"Not sure. I think he had fun but you better ask Becky." Rob jerked his head in her direction.

With every question, Drew's head was moving backwards and forwards. "Becky?"

"He likes it." She took a bite of her burger.

Drew chuckled and said, "So... when's the next session?"

"Ask Ro... his coach." Becky didn't look up but focused on her burger.

"What's going on?" Drew laughed again and looked over at Rob.

"Ask Linc's sister." Rob smirked at Drew as he glanced at Becky. "She's not talking to me and I'm not allowed to talk to her." He chuckled. "It's because I couldn't get my small dick up at Scott's party. She's disappointed."

Becky stood up, lifted her bag, and headed out the door.

"Fuck... man. You've really pissed her off." Drew stared at Rob. "What's really going on?"

"She hates me. Not much I can do about it."

"Yes there is." Trin almost snapped at him. "Stop being such a prick to her. Every time you're near her you say something smart to piss her off."

Rob laughed. "And she doesn't do that to me?" He shook his head. "Tell me, Trin. Have I actually said anything behind her back? Have I ever spread any rumours about her?"

"You don't know anything about her." Trin raised her eyebrows at him.

"And how am I supposed to get to know her when she spits at me constantly, bad mouths me and spreads shit about me." Rob was starting to feel pissed off. "How is it that I'm the bad guy? She's never been friendly to me."

"Well..." Trin smiled and put on a simpering voice, "My mother says you catch more flies with honey than you do with lemon." She ran her hand up his arm. "Maybe you should start talking to her with your eyes like you do every other girl and, keep your mouth out of it, because I think your mouth works better with something else in it." She winked and stood up.

In a harsher voice she added, "Now I'm going to give my best friend the same chat because you two are pathetic."

Copyright © 2017 by Donna Fieldhouse. All rights reserved.

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