Chapter Forty-One

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Rob pulled up at the park on the corner of Becky's street. He turned the car off and twisted in his seat. "I need to talk to your sister, Linc. Can you give us a minute?"

"Yeah." Linc opened his door. "I'll go sit on the swing."

"Good idea. Get that leg pumping while you're at it." Once Linc closed the car door Rob looked at Becky. "Well?"

"I can't be your girlfriend." Becky stuffed her wet togs and towel into her bag as she spoke. "Thank you for the lift." She put her hand on the door handle.

"Why?" Rob took hold of her arm. "You gotta give me a reason."

"Because boys like you don't have girlfriends like me." Becky sighed. "Rob you're a nice guy. I'm not a nice girl. You know I'm a slut."

"For fuck sake, Becky. Will you stop with the slut shit. Even if you were really a slut, which I know you're not, doesn't mean you're not a nice girl. Girls who are sluts aren't horrible people, Becky. There's always a reason they're like they are. Sometimes it's just because they like sex and why shouldn't they? Guys do."

He held his palms up in explanation. "This crap that guys can have as much sex as they want and they're heroes but girls can't because they'll be sluts is all shit to me. Then there's the girls who do it because they've been abused in some way and maybe they think sex is love. Who knows?" He focused hard on Becky. "I think those girls lose respect for themselves because they haven't been respected or taught how to respect themselves because they have shitty influences around them so they let guys use them."

"You saw my house, Rob, and my father so you know I come from scum. Shitty influences if that suits you better." She grabbed the door handle again.

Rob stopped her. "Still doesn't make you a slut or a horrible person." He sucked in a breath and ran his hand over his head. "You're clever and pretty and caring. You can keep trying to pretend you're a slut but I know you're not, Becky. In fact I can just about guarantee you're a virgin." He smiled gently at her. "I don't know why you want everyone to think badly of you but you can't fool me."

Becky scrunched up her forehead. She folded her arms across her chest and peered at him. "What makes you so sure of that?"

"I've been with experienced girls, Becky, and I've been with girls who aren't. There's a big difference to the way they respond. You might have fooled Hunter Jones and a couple of others but they're idiots anyway." Rob grinned and tilted his head at her.

"Even if what you're saying is true." Becky turned up the corner of her mouth. "And I'm not saying it is. I still can't be your girlfriend."

"Not good enough, Becky. A reason. A proper reason and don't say it's because you don't like me because you would have said that first off if that was true."

"Linc. Because of Linc." Becky looked to where her brother was on the swing. "I take him with me everywhere I can. He's with me ninety percent of the time when I'm not at work or school. You'll get really sick of having a girlfriend with a tag along brother."

"Now you're jumping to conclusions." Rob followed her line of vision. "He's a good kid. I don't have an issue with it. I asked him to give us a minute, and he has, so where's the problem?" Rob cocked his eyebrow at her.

Becky sighed and smirked again. "You are so pushy. I bet you were spoilt as a kid and got everything you wanted."

Rob undid his seat belt, reached over the gearstick, and put his hand behind her head. "Now I get to kiss you because I'm taking that as a yes."

"It's not a yes." Becky laughed and put her hand on his mouth. "We'll do stuff together and see if you get sick of us, but we're not proper girlfriend and boyfriend yet. I'm just saying a kind of yes."

Rob removed her hand from his mouth. "Then I'll just kind of kiss you." He touched her lips lightly with his. When she didn't pull away Rob added more pressure. Becky put her hand on his face and moved her lips against his. This was good. He put his hand on her waist and was getting settled into the kiss when there was a tap on the window.

"Shit." He opened his eyes to see Linc looking through the glass. Rob laughed. "Bad timing, mate."

Linc shrugged. "Are you done yet cause I'm bored."

Becky grinned. "Told you it would annoy you." When Rob looked at her, she ran her thumb over his bottom lip. "That wasn't a kind of kiss."

"No... it wasn't." He moved in again.

Becky laughed. She gave him a light kiss and turned her head away. "I gotta go." She opened the door and climbed out. "See you tomorrow."

"Yeah... see you tomorrow." Rob leaned back in his seat and watched her take Linc's hand as she walked away. She turned back so he lifted his hand in a wave. He couldn't wait until tomorrow.

Finally it's all starting to happen hahaha.

Took them a while but you can't rush something that's worth waiting for ♥♥♥ ☺ xoxoxo

Copyright © 2017 by Donna Fieldhouse. All rights reserved.

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I really appreciate it. ☺ 

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