Sasha and Cassandra

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Sasha: Right now i am pulling up in Cassandra's Drive way finna pick her up and take her out to eat to her favorite restaurant Red Lobster she has no ideal that's where i am taking her.

Cassandra: I See Sasha in my drive way so i grab my purse my phone and keys and lock up my house i called Chresanto in case he comes home i call him and tell him i am gone with Sasha he said okay i told him imma be back round bout 10:00 or 10:30.

Sasha: I Had pulled up to the restaurant and i surprised her and i asked her is this your favorite place to eat and she said yes.

Cassandra: I Looked at Sasha like how did you know i love Red Lobster she was like i heard you on the phone with Roc and i heard him say do you wanna go to your favorite restaurant and you said Red Lobster so i knew it was your favorite place to eat.

After they leave Red Lobster

Sasha: That dinner was amazing i really enjoyed you tonight Cassandra tell Chresanto i said hey.

Cassandra: I will tell him you said hey well let me get in this house so i can take my shower before my boyfriend come home cause Roc gonna wanna get in the shower and you already know what goes on in that shower bye Sasha call me later she yelled back okay and left so i hopped in the shower and then i heard Roc car door shut and i was like he is home and he said baby where you at and i said upstairs in the shower and i heard him running up the stairs i hear the bathroom door open and i see my boo standing outside the shower i open the curtain and told him to get in and you already know what went down.

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