Marissa (24)

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Marissa: My name is Marissa i am 24 years old and i work as a Bartender at a Nightclub i have been working there for 7 years now and now i am getting dressed and finna head to work with my outfit on above in the media well i got go these drinks ain't gonna serve themself i am heading to work i pull up in my parking space i get out and head in and start my job i see the bar full tonight my eyes scan the bar i see alot of guys ordering drinks and i keep them coming but one guy i spot out the corner of my eye and he comes my way and sits on the bar stool in front of me and orders a drink i go get it for him and the night is almost over and my shift is about to end and then when i am finna lock up i see the same guy sleep on the couch i went to him and woke him up and told him i am finna close up he got up he was finna walk home but i told him he can sleep over my house so i close up the club and went to my car and put him in there and i went to my side and got in and started driving home i arrived home and got him out he was heavy but i unlocked my door and took him to my couch and laid him down and went back and locked my front door.

???: I woke up the next morning in a woman house i don't know who she is but imma find out who she is so i went in the kitchen and i seen a gorgeous woman cooking breakfast i just stared at her she is gorgeous her body is amazing so i went up to her and stood behind her to help her cook Breakfast.

Marissa: I felt someone behind me and i looked it was him he was awake so i told him breakfast was ready so i put the plates on the table and served our breakfast and some orange juice i asked him his name he said my name is Namjoon and i told him my name is Marissa nice to meet you so we had a great conversation and i told him he can stay her with me cause my house big enough i told him i live alone in this big house.

Namjoon: I was in a woman house her name is Marissa and let me tell you she is one gorgeous woman her body is just amazing i can just look at her all day but imma let her finish cooking dinner for us and i told her imma go upstairs and shower while she finish cooking dinner i was showering while she was cooking and then i herd the shower door open and she was coming in the shower with me so we had shower sex for 2 hours and then we was finish so we got out the shower and got dressed and went downstairs to eat dinner i poured us 2 glass of Red Wine after we finished dinner we went in the living room and cuddled up on the couch and watched a scary movie we was watching  The Purge my favorite scary movie.

Teens Night Out (A New Year's Eve Party)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz