Camp Kill

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The song is above is a happy chappy playing the guitar is me during the apocalypse. JKS he is too optimistic lol
Chapter 1
Erika's POV

The morning is beautiful like a blooming flower on the morning of spring when I wake to see trees surrounding us the sun peaking through the swaying trees. Time is not as relevant here as it was 5years ago. It's all about survival. 

It was just the five of us in the gang like 'Scobby-Do' if it was a horror. Phin, Jazzmin, Catlin, Stephanie and me, Erik to Phin but Erika to the not all-ready-dead-people-left. 


I walked towards the fire brewing among the twigs and branches Jazzmin set us prior to our awake. I assume it is before 7 as the sun is still rising. I could feel the fire warmth like a blanket it covered my arms. I had been stressing out every since 2days ago as we had no food, although Phin doesn't eat very much anyway. "Jazzmin, we need to seriously go hunting," I suggest, turning my gaze towards the other red tent opposite us. Out came the other two, Phin and Caitlin. I smiled at Phin whom weakly smiled back, Jazzmin nodded in agreement. "How about we set out as soon as." She planned, "Mhmm-" "So whats the plan?" Catlin asked sitting next to me, she crossed her legs and started warming her hands against the crackling fire. Phin sat opposite me also warming himself up. I eyed what he wore, a dirty dark navy blue te, a red and white plaid jacket and ripped up jeans the color of coal. His short dirty blonde hair ruffled up I cringed at his rustic brown sneakers.

Caitlin wore a slightly ripped up long sleeve and black shorts with a hole in the side below her p-line her hair in a messy bun. I sigh looking back at Jazzmin wearing her usual attire. Black tights, a not-so-white-anymore t-shirt and a red jacket covering her shoulders, her hair pulled back up as tidy as she can get it. I pulled down the hem of my black slightly ripped t-shirt and cut-up shorts, pulling my grey knee-length socks, my hair cut short so it was easy to maintain. We all wore sneakers. Stephanie popped out also wearing ripped jeans, and a dirty white singlet, covering her arms was a light grey hoddie.

"I'd kill for a burger from Maccas right now..."Phin mumbled to himself. Jazzmin sighs agreeing, I remember the times in the middle of the night we'd gather up at the local fish in chips shop. 


Jazzmin and I went out to hunt for some food to cook up, I was pretty flexible with a bow and hand-made arrows and Jazzmin was really talented with wooden stakes, we like to be resourceful. A few miles out we came across crawlers and clickers. The difference was that crawlers were the average zombies, clickers are more advanced. Clickers have been zombies longer, 2years to become you advanced dead clicker. They make this annoying clicking sound, their blind as a bat but their hearing is like an eco-whale, they can hear up to 15feet away. Jazzmin hid behind a pine tree knifing the clickers in their inhumane foreheads.  I getting up into the trees and pinning most down back to hell. 

Finally a couple of miles out we finally caught a deer, which was surprising, very. I shoot the doe twice in the legs and head. "Got yah-" Jazzmin and I dragged the food back home together trying to not get caught by clickers or crawlers.


Jazzmin gutted the deer as usually, it was her job when it came to it. I cooked and prepared.
We had also gathered water from a nearby river, with a few flasks 5 minutes away from camp.

"I think we should keep moving, try to find the Red Army," Caitlin suggested The Red Army, a rebellion in the mountains, providing community, food, water and shelter with the bonus of safety. I smirked as Jazzmin laughed hysterically. "You don't believe in that, it's all ghosts." I punched Jazzmin in the arm, "Well we can't keep sitting on our bloody arses. If we plan to survive we got to at least try." I agree, and so did Stephanie. "You've been silent. I mean your the leader, right?" Jazzmin spoke up looking at Stephanie who was leaning against a tree. " I agree with Caitlin and Erika." "See-" Caitlin sneered towards Jazzmin who rolled her eyes. " Fucking hell- Whatever then." "We'll set out after we eat an then we pack. We'll head around the city, not through who knows those motherfucking clickers and crawlers could be lurking close. So we better get 'chopping'" "Chopping" I laughed at Stephanie's use of words. And clean up.

We all nodded finish eating. and packing up

Not much happened. Sorry, I'm listening to Vol 1 &2 of Guardians of the Galaxy Soundtrack.
This is a collab story with a friend the person known as 'Phin' in the book. I'll put an E at the beginning of an A/N to say its the original creator of this account. Or after I sign off from a chapter so you know. Leave suggestive feedback or feel forward at any point. Feel free
 to rate or leave a comment suggesting things or whatever.

Stay Dead my souless frens <3 


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