Why Does Love Put A Gun In My Hand?

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Erik's POV

I wake up in my sleeping bag, nauseous "Oh god." It probably was 7 in the bloody morning as I got up I ran out of my tent leaning against the nearest tree I could find to puke up. I pulled my hair back chunks of last nights meat and corn come out, I wipe my mouth as the sound of Phins footsteps approach me. "Hey, are you okay?" He asked me, I nodded and again wiped my mouth again. "Are you sure?" He asked again, "I'm fine Phin. Promise." I started to walk where Rick, Shane and a bunch of others sat discussing further plans. "You know having your group here isn't a permanent solution I expect you will be moving soon, within a couple weeks." I heard Hershel whisper to Rick in the air which he gave a slight discomforted face, Maggie Greene was handing out sandwiches which I kindly give thanks to. Egg and Ham, "Thanks, Maggie-" And then suddenly I could smell the ham and it smelt intense and my face screwed up in disgust. "Are you ok?" Maggie asked, "If you don't want it-" "I'm so sorry Maggie." She smiled trying to shove whatever sorrow or worry she had for Glenn down, she was doing a terrible job at doing so.

I was still actually hungry and I think it was coming up to 8:30 in the morning, "Hey Maggie do you mind if I grab a peach?" "Go for it-" Maggie agreed, I had noticed that they had plenty of fruit as there were peaches trees growing not too far from the main house.
I walked through the front door to see Glenn up and about, "Hey Glenn are you-" He stiffened a smile at me "I'm fine-" I believed him he did look a lot better than before with sleep, he grabbed a piece of fruit as well and a glass of water. "Thanks-" He smiled nodding he left the room. In the fruit draw inside the fridge I snatched up two peaches in which I bit into one already, it tasted so good.

I went back outside to Hershel declaring another supply run. "We'll use the same lot of people as last time-" Phin looked up at me in on annoyance, Rick nodded in agreement. "Agreed, but this time Hershel stay back we need you to be here for Glenn-" Hershel nodded without argument as I sat next to Rick. "We're going on a supply run, You, Shane and me-" Rick filled me in, " I'll come too," Daryl spoke up, loading up his weapon. I smiled, "So, me, Shane, Erik and Daryl." Rick stated, Rick, pulled out a map circling two areas such as; Pharmacy and warehouse. "I know there might be supplies there as I went there a couple of days ago," Maggie suggested pointing to the pharmacy. "I hid some things in under the floorboards in the back room just in case." "We'll set out at midday sharp," Shane announced, everyone nodded and by now I finished my first peach without noticing. And suddenly I needed to throw up again, I run, sprinting even to the back of the barn.

I exhale all of the peaches which were once inside me. "You were supposed to stay inside me god fucking dammit." you threw the peach away for some reason crying you come to the conclusion.

You were likely pregnant.

You hadn't dreamt of having kids and it never occurred to have come roaming into your thoughts. "Hey, you okay?" Shane asked walking over to me I wipe my eyes quickly. "Yep" I reply popping out the 'p' You looked at Shane with baggy eyes and you knew you looked like shit but it seemed to you Shane didn't care. He just embraced you in a hug which you accepted,

Why can a jerk like Shane be so goddamn wonderful, to me? it isn't fair.

He let go of me and I wiped a few tears away, "You just threw up, and you say you're fine." Shane wasn't having it, "Don't take me for dumb, Erik." "Never." I replied, "I guess I might be coming down with something." Shane stopped pestering me about it and smiled, "Are you sure you want to come out?" I nodded and stood up dusting myself off. "Come on-"

We walked back and I smiled and acted like everything was okay. Shane walked his normal walk, I could tell something about him was slightly off, or that he was not taking any of my shit. And neither was Phin by the looks of it. He stood next to Rick not talking loading up a revolver, he eyebrows narrowed like he was disappointed or upset. I walked up to him, "What's up?" "Whats up with you?" He asked me, "What do you mean?" "You threw up twice, and you looked like you were crying, you seemed distressed by just walking here. Has Shane upset you or something cause I'll fucking deck him!" Phin protested, "I'm fine, alright so I threw up twice no biggy. I'm still going-" I could Phin wanted to detest to my leave but I held a finger up to his lips to 'shush' him. "I'm going and that's final." Phin slumped down and he took his defeat as for Rick he laughed.

No one besides Phin and Shane pestered to see I was fine all up to when I leave.

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