Daddys Home!

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"We're gonna have to upgrade from tin cans soon..."

Maggie wasn't stupid.

She knew Beth was itching to use a gun, and her theory was validated when she saw Beth trail behind Phin the other day, early in the morning. She wondered if anyway else knew, like Hershel. He'd definitely get stuck into both of them if he ever found out. So, Maggie took it upon herself to be mature about the situation and tell Phin that she approved. And Hershel wouldn't have to find out, only if no one got hurt. She felt bad about keeping secrets from her father, but Beth needed to learn to protect herself not only from reanimated corpses but twisted people.

"Maggie is right. These cans are still, we need to think of something else." Phin watched Beth closely, intently like the time she first got her hands on an assault weapon. The first time she shot, she was good, and it almost came naturally. If she focused, she aimed and she hit the target. Now that she'd had a few more tries in, shooting nearly the entire set of cans down with a few mess, she could kill a man with a single try if she wanted.

"Maybe if we tie a few to trees and then swing them, that would-" Phin stopped at the sound of a car. As if on instinct, he whipped his head towards the house in the distance - dark brown eyes almost lighting up at the sight. They are home, Erik's home! his conscious jumped with joy, bouncing off the walls inside his head.

He dropped whatever he was doing, standing around and watching Beth shoot tin cans for another long hour, and ran down the hill towards the all too familiar face like his life depended on it.

"You're back!" He climbed over the fence, heart about to leap out of his chest as Erik stepped out. Upon further inspection, she looked like shit - they all did. Like they'd been dragged through hell.

Erik stumbled a little when the older man instantly wrapped his arms around her, a grip so tight - he could kill her. Nothing less, she could only laugh and smile, wrapping her arms around his neck. Ignoring the minor wounds inflicted from whatever they experienced out there. She was far too happy, not even throbbing sensation of the gash along her wrist could distract her from how pure the moment was.

Oh my god, he's like a puppy.

Shane scoffed, rolling his eyes and retreating back to one of the tents. Beth watched from afar, unsure of how she felt. You're meant to feel happy for him, you prick. Now, she wanted nothing more than to reverse time - to when she in the kitchen with Stephanie, and ask her whether or whether not Phin and Erik...were a thing.

"Daddy's home!" Maggie gushed, grabbing Beth by the hand. The younger girl dropped the gun by her feet before being pulled away from the practice targets. Please don't tell me none of them saw that!

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