Death is All We know.

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The most beautiful people we have known are those who have known defeat, known suffering, known struggle, known loss, and have found their way out of those depth.

Elisabeth Kubler Ross

That morning was a bad memory, a bad experience. No one wants to feel the way Erik did that morning. Lost, confused, scared and sad. What had happened to her baby .

Waking up in pain and confusion, the blood smeared over the sheets and her clothes. Carol taking control after barging in panicked.

Erik screamed, the whole house ridden with combustion as everyone ran up towards the room. Everyone expect ,

Daryl but lastly Phin.

"Where is Phin, I need-" Erik wailed, Carol knew what to do and she knew what had happened, she lost the baby. And they needed Hershel while Erik needed Phin the most. Erik saw the hurt in those eyes of everyone around her panicking , she didn't know that those who weren't there left at dawn again. Jazzmin stood at Erik's side holding her hand firmly while she cried into her chest.

Erik felt disgusting. But she didn't want to move afraid, confused to what had caused this painful outbreak. "They need to know." Stephanie stated, "Not now, Steph." Caitlin hissed well Stephanie left the room to get towels. Carl finally ran up the room, quickly getting a scolding to leave by Carol and Lori.

They had to perform and emergency C section to get the baby out.

Le time skip, I don't wanna write the surgery in soz fan


Stephanie paced the hallways listening to the intense screams and agonizing pain of Erik's cries. No word from the group who began their journey to the prison at dawn.

Caitlin failing to calm down Carl as he runs around frantic for some answers . "When is my dad coming home?" "Why isn't my mum coming out?" "WHATS WRONG?" Finally Caitlin snapped and told him, "I don't know when your fathers coming home, I don't know what's going. I don't know anything because I never get a say I anything! Okay kid, so chill out.'

Carl sat quietly in the corner of the kitchen waiting patiently for his mother's arrival. Which seemingly took hours. Give or take and an hour of 3.


No pain medicine to take the hurt away. Jazzmin left the room so Lori stayed by her side well Carol gutted Erik open with Hershel's scalpel from his first aid kit

Screaming for Phin, "I want Phin!" Cursing the pain, she wanted it to all go away. It felt like dying, she felt like dying. She was.

Finally the baby arrived which killed her even more. Her baby was dead, Erik couldn't even look at her dead child. Feared it would only hurt a thousand times more. She didn't want to know if it was either a Brooke or a Hunter, if she had her eyes and nose. The giggle of hers she didn't want to hear the thoughts roaming wildly in her head.

She just closed her eyes. Squinting , crying, a dagger to the chest.  And a few hours to lie there emotionless and more so dead.  As she might as well been. Even though she heard the sound of a trunk driving down the long dirt road.

And even though she heard Phin voice she cried even more, Lori and Carol leaving probably to talk everyone else. Hearing Shane, Daryl, Rick, Hershel and Glenn with Maggie.

Hearing the people she wanted to have , needed to have around. She wanted to just cry.

She locked herself in her room with bandages and stitches closing her wound . She slept,


Shane cradled to his knees well Everyone else ran inside expect Phin whom stood frozen in his state of mind. Scared to dictate what's going on in his head.

Scared to think what he might do next. Jazzmin and Caitlin , Stephanie wailed together . As Carol and Lori bathed the baby in soap and water, wrapping the baby up laying it down in a soft blanket .
No one asked question  during that night, the next morning was quiet, it felt like a funeral. Which it was, as though everyone but Erik attended as expected. No one blamed the mother for her loss.

Carl clinged to his mother as she did and his father. A family which now Shane will never have. This made his upset and angry. 

Rick stood, arms crossed. His voice ridden with sadness and his eyes weak to meet most of our gaze.

"We lost another, but don't let this lost dictate our future. And though we didn't know who this baby could grow up to be. "

Phin couldn't take it anymore he walked away, as expected. He stood in the distance, inspecting the baby in a majestic makeshift coffin. Which everyone contributed to.

"If it was a girl she was going to named Brooke, and a boy Hunter." Carol stated, and this heart wrenching statement made Jazzmin, Caitlin, Stephanie and Phin hold onto their hearts with pain. And a fire in the back of their throats. "She had beautiful eyes, like her mommas and small hands and a button nose ."
And three girls held tightly onto each others hands.

"So -" Hershel declared, " God, let this child lay to rest send them to a better place. Let those who mourn , leave their hearts to rest and their minds to settle, let their eyes grow to not cry no more."

Lori looked at everyone and saw how wrenching this was.


Laid to rest was the baby in a makeshift coffin, under the sunlight and trees, planted dandelions and Lillie's. The baby's name craved onto a home made cross and stuck into the ground.


That night was still silent, cold and depressing. Phin fell into a slight depression , not forgiving himself or Erik or anyone. He didn't want to forgive that he wasn't here for her when she needed him. Carl for once didn't argue, didn't bicker or twist up. He sat silent like all the rest against the couch,

Erik still laid pretending to sleep so no one would come in to ask if she was okay, which that would be stupid with a response that was too hard and painful to say. "I am okay". A easy response to say, careless like the wind.

The night turned into day , day turned it to two days later. And Erik hadn't come out. Eaten, drunken anything. No visitors succeed into trying to get in.

"She's only been like this twice , with her mum and dad who passed away a couple  years before the outbreak. And Phin, when he left for a couple of months  without word. She ran around the town almost passed out a few times , got sick a couple. She never gave him up. "

"Her parents died on her 15th birthday. Coming home from the shopping at the mall, some idiot jumped her mum and dad and stabbed them. She was left an orphan, no family just Phin. They meet when they were in pre-school. So she stayed with his grand parents as his died aswell. Treated her like family. They ran away together at 17. "

"She came close to after a former member died from suicide."

"Phin won't visit her. He feels to guilty for not being there for her."


A week passed and with a lot of conversations Phin admitted to seeing her, she ate very little and drunk a glass a day. Her stitches were healing her but she still needed to be tended to. Keep it easy.

Phin sat on the floor next to the edge of where Erik slept. "So, was she Brooke or Hunter." Erik whispered, "I'm sorry." Was his reply, "I wanted to tell my kid about her, give her, her name, watch her grow and learn. Argue and decide. "

"I'm sorry." Was all Phin could say,

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