Painkillers For My Dear.

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Phin hadn't a clue why he was so emotional when he left, but his heart was beating like a drum in his chest. A small voice at the back of his head kept telling him that this was the last time anyone was going to see him alive. And he believed it. For some reason, he thought that his time was finally up.

But he was afraid of dying, after seeing all the terrible things he witnessed.

"Hey kid, are you alright?"

It was Rick's voice that brought him back down to earth, it was warm and thick with a southern drawl. Reminding him of home. He flinched, because he didn't want to think about the past.

Phin spoke from the passengers seat, "I'm good, jus' thinking."

He stared out at the land that stretched for miles, the breeze from Daryl's open window filling the car with fresh air. It still felt wrong. He still felt like he was suffocating and it took him everything not to open the door, and throw himself against the tar road.

Glenn raised a brow from the backseat as he leaned towards the front, a pen and notebook in hand. "So, what are like the essentials?"

"We can try the drug store first." Phin suggested.

When they arrived, they were surprised to find that there was more than enough left behind. That's when Glenn discovered a little note left by the owners.

"Take what you need."

He gave it a sad smile, and placed it on one of the shelves. Before continuing picking through the medicine they needed.

Straying from the group quietly, Phin wandered into one of the many other stores. And immediately recognised it as a place that used to sell kids stuff, like toys. Moving in through one of the windows he made sure to be quiet as he stepped, not wanting to bring attention to himself, especially from the dead.

Phin traced the shelves looking for— there it is, a teddy bear!

It was brown and was missing a few buttons. When he held it in his hand he felt like a kid again, and flustered. It was plush against his skin and he gently stuffed it into his bag before leaving the store.

"That ones for Beth." He muttered to himself.

The bitter thoughts from the long car ride were still floating around in his head, but he chose to ignore them. He wanted to be positive. How could he possibly focus if all he thought about was death?

He made sure to be cautious of his surroundings when he left the store. Listening intently to every sound that wafted in the air. He could hear the groaning of the dead, but it was distance and far. Definitely not going in that direction.

Rejoining the group, Phin started searching for painkillers. Anything that would be help Erik's recovery in bed. He knew it wouldn't take long for her wounds to hear, but her mental and emotional well-being was what mattered most. Phin knew that would take a while for mostly everyone was still healing.

"I'm gonna start looking around..." Daryl said. He grabbed Glenn's notepad and left the store.

Followed closely by the others.

Stuffing a packet of pills in the pocket of his coat Phin left the store too. Deciding to get something else for Erik, painkillers were a bitter gift.

He opted on getting a necklace or even a bracelet, but there were no jewellery stores in sight. So he had to make do. Entering the toy shop again, he spotted a beading kit.

"Jesus, you're a grown man."

It was awkward, sitting on the cold tile floor trying to make a bracelet. He thought it was childish. His cheeks flushing as he made the initials.


Phin groaned in agony, feeling like a teenage girl. "This is fuckin' stupid."

He tucked it away in his coat anyway. Cheeks still red in embarrassment. He felt Erik was going to laugh, or maybe try to stifle it — and be nice.

"Where have you been?" Rick asked as he loaded the last of the supplies in the car. Looking at Phin with furrowed brows.

"Around." He replied.

In the time it had taken him to make it back to the car, he managed to pick up a few things for the others.

"Well, get in we're moving on."

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