Bloody Red

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Painted red tiles depict my futures aspect. Lying alone on the cold floor resembling the burning feeling inside me. Killing myself was the option I stuck by with. It was my choice, no one made me do what I did.

It has be half an hour. 


"She seemed a bit off. Paler, Skinner." Shane admitted, Phin couldn't shake the gut wrenching feeling that his best friend might be in danger. "Yeah, she looked abut sick even." Caitlin included, "I think I am going to check up on her." Phin concluded running inside to see if his best friend was okay.

"Hey Erik, are you okay." No response , "Erik-?" He called out again, again response making him worry. He'd try again, "Are you okay,Erik?" Failing to respond, Phin didn't hesitate, "If you don't fucking response I am coming in!"
He twisted the knob his stomach turning inside out unprepared what to see next. Hopefully that his best friend was asleep in bed .

But unfortunately no.

He walked into the room to see an empty bed, tidy with a envelope plastered to the pillowcase.
"Erik?" Phin said loudly, he turned his head and what he saw made his heart turn cold, dark and it dropped into in stomach.

He froze scared, his best friend laying on the bathroom floor scarred and red with crimson blood leaking everywhere. Everything made him forget everyone except her.

The air turned cold, the feeling of being scared rushed through his veins as he rushed to Erik's side. "Oh god-" he panicked as he said it like a chant,

Erik's eyes had been closed, she felt cold like ice and loose. He held her close to him in his arms. "Erik-", she opened her eyes to see her best friend crying. "It's okay, we are going to patch you up, you'll be okay. Just -" Phin rambled putting pressure on the wounds with a towel he found on the floor. Erik hushed the worrisome Phin of a he and said this. "It'll be okay. I'll go see my parents,I see Brooke again. And when I do I'll tell her that everyone's well. I'll tell her-" "Stop talking save your breathe-" "No I have to say this-" Erik slurring her words and her breathing becoming slower, " I'll tell her I had a good run, we all had. You were the best anyone could ever ask for and I love you for that so-"

Erik cutting off her finishing sentence, she let hers eyes droop shut. Like she was going to sleep. "Help!" Phin screamed as his clothes covered in blood. He didn't care, as he screamed countlessly, his best friend dying from blood loss. "SOMEONE HELP ME." Phin screamed.

Shane rushes in with Rick and Maggie, Daryl and a few other adults including his own best friends. Panicked. "She's dying." Hershel attended to her, checking her pulse .

"She still has a pulse but it is faint. Quick lie her on the bed." Hershel ordered, and were obeyed.


Erik's POV

A dark void , feeling cold and alone I still heard the faint voices echoing through my mind. It was like a black room , everything was black. Lonesome.

The blood in my veins I felt it, I felt my heart slowly beating like drums. My hands and feet were numb. And the feelings of cold numbing loneliness didn't seem to bother a soul like mine.

My mind stopped thinking, I forgot. Forgot what I wanted to forget successfully. "Don't you just love dying." A voice, not anyone's I had known owned to. " Don't walk uinto that white light. You can make this." "It's all my fault, I should have known." "Fuck, what of she dies. I couldn't live with myself." "Hush she'll be okay." "I need morphine, towels and bandages." Voices that still rung in my head I forgot who owned them.

Forgot if anyone loved me, forgot what the world use to be like. Forgot the things I said. Forgot what I wanted and needed to forget.

I couldn't say their names , I couldn't say anything. Just sitting in the dark til someone said otherwise.

There seem to be no time count, no business to attend to and for once I felt stress free. "Please, please for the love of god Don't die on us."

Closing my eyes, I saw the light that bright white light. That, that voice said not to go into. I wonder why?. I seemingly question this, having no intention of doing so. As I picture what it's like to be dead.

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