Bloody Drama.

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Erik ran frantic around the house looking crazy, yelling Phin name. Shane ran to her , asking if she was having the Phin, " Have you seen Phin." Her tone panicked, "No, Why?"

She pushed past him tears were slipping. She knew shouldn't be stressing over this, it wasn't good for the baby. She heard cursed words and sobs behind a bedroom doors. She heard Phin voice cursing himself.

"You've gone mad, Phin you've finally fucked us all over, congratulations. Your a Fuck up. " His tone sounding painful and taunting.

"Phin-" Erik banged on the door, her voice crying for her best friend. "Please." She argued this even though her now quiet voice had been blanketed in sobs and cries . "Open the door, tell me your okay, yeah . Please." Finally sounding so quiet almost inaudible she thought she'd pass out from exhaustion . And with the last of her strength she banged on the door . She couldn't give up, she wouldn't let that happen. To her it was a sin.

Jazmin bolted through the hallways , "Phin, you open this fucking door, or I am going to kick your ass." Followed her was Stephanie and Caitlin, Stephanie helping Erik to stand. Finally Jazzmin got the door open.
Finding Phin sitting on the floor sobbing painfully. She engulfed him in a death squeezing hug, Erik just peered in through the door the sight too painful to bear. Trying to hold back the tears was hard, the whimpering he didn't like to show his emotions that was known.

Erik bit her bottom lip to keep herself from swearing at him, for causing her stress. But from also attacking him kindly,it wasn't his fault nor was it hers. Although she felt she let him down, she didn't know how or what caused him to break.

"I promise you, you'll be okay whatever it is. You'll get through this, why, because your the strongest person I know." Jazzmin said sobbing , as Phin tried holding himself up failed and failed into the crook of Jazzmins neck. "I'm so sorry." Was all he said.

You know the feeling you get when you hold back the hurt, the tears , the pain. The burning sensation in the back of your throat. Well it's the only thing Erik felt. Stephanie, Caitlin they felt it too. But they let it show, Stephanie wrapped her long snake like arms around Erik in comforting and calming her down.

The poor boy saw the mess he made it made him cry so more. All Erik said was, "It wasn't anyone's fault ." Like a chant, which Stephanie stroked her head to calm her sorrows.


Everything settled down and everyone Stephanie led where now sitting together outside silently being in each others presence.

Everyone understood what Phin had done. And they weren't to speak of it to anyone who wasn't inside the group, like Stephanie, Caitlin or Jazzmin, Erik and a past member Brooke. Jazzmin patched up his wounds in a bandage, Erik didn't wish to see it she tried avoiding the sight of pain. But she knew she would have to ask, what made him do it.

Erik was the first to leave , dusting herself off and standing with content in her heart. She strutted over to Rick,  "Hey." He greeted,  "Everything okay, they was a commotion everyone got worried. Is everyone okay?" His voice sounding alarming, "Yes, we are okay. Phins just a bit shaken I don't know why. He scared me." Rick didn't respond but engulf me in a hug. "Sorry." He cooed , in a deep sigh Rick and Erik pulled away, "Thank-you, I needed that."


Nothing much happened after that just dinner and then bed. Although Phin didn't eat it was expected, Erik didn't have an appetite either which was also not expected.

That night they all laid to rest, Erik not knowing if tomorrow they were going to see Phin again like last time.

That night was warm, Erik didn't sleep with the blankets, no one was at her side that night. But a ruckus down stairs kept her up till half 11.

Everyone was talk expect Erik . She didn't bother to get up and check.  At half 11 everything and everyone went silent finally admitting they all went to bed, finally.


The morning rose, and the sun peeked through the windows. Erik felt sticky and wet. She opened her eyes, to find blood all over her pants.

Her eyes were widened and she sat up silent tears bleeding from her eye. She wailed out. Carol barging in panicked. To see Erik crying and blood all down her pants.

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