Painful Prayer.

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The warm sun shone bright like a star, an even though I really couldn't think about anything but now I thought I heard that rustic pick-up truck serving down the driveway of the farm. I thought I was daydreaming that doors slammed shut and everyone was home at last. Contemplating, stuck in a gaze hoping to be swept away with the dust. Until what I thought I heard was real.

Everyone inside, I ran down the hallway out the front door, seeing the front door peered open and in its way from Glenn, standing covered in red. At first I never really took what happened in, not realizing the smell, the look of crimson red stains all over, the back seat and hands, clothing. Glenn looked panicked, scared like he really wanted to cry. I came closer to him, his head down and his pouting gaze not to me in front of him now. 

"Glenn?" I asked and no response. "I didn't know what to do, I am so sorry- we shouldn't have been there." He then looked at me, I embraced him in a hug. He seemed confused until I felt what he was covered in was dark red, and warm. Fresh and its odor was strong, "Glen-Glenn is this blood?" I stood back covering my mouth, he nodded. "Please don't tell me- Where is he, Where is my best friend?" And at this point I was screaming out his name, it is a bit extremely written, but there it was.

I heard him scream from inside. I ran inside to see everyone was trying to help the poor boy, hurt. Covered in blood, I pushed past everyone to kneel by his side holding his hand, he squeezed it so tight as it was painful. He shot out curse words, Rick explained what had happened in order for Hershel to understand what he was doing. "He was shot in his lower back, from a bunch of scared boys-  Glenn tried putting pressure on the wound until we got him back here." Hershel nodded giving out orders, asking for everyone to clear out and operate.

I did not really want to leave, I hoped he wouldn't ask me to leave, especially me. But I stood up, tear stains down my face and wet patches on my chin, Phin tightly held onto my hand as I turned to leave. "No, you stay!" He tried whispering out. "Son, you will be given morphine and some other meds to be knocked out so you won't have to feel anything well we get the bullet out. Hopefully, it hasn't gone in too deep-" I held onto his hand so tightly as he did the same, as he screamed out the pain I knew it hurt, I knew the pain I felt it before. "I am so sorry." I cried even though I really had nothing to do with it, I was so sincere and sad. 

"I swear on life and everything I have which is not much that I will not leave you until you wake up and say it is okay, okay?" He squeezed my hand and nodded. I kissed his forehead and indicated to Hershel it was okay to begin. "See you on the other side." He spoke before passing out from an injection.

And thus begun the procedure that would possibly change his life.

A few hours had passed maybe 3 or 4 tediously long hours of waiting for him to conscious. After it, all Hershel finally said, "I'm done. He should be fine, it will take awhile for him to wake up. The bullet wasn't into deep so it didn't really damage any tissue to permanently have problems with any physical activity. But although he is bedridden for 48hours or more depending on how much is to recover. All we do now is take it slow and wait." I thanked him as he thanked me and left to tell the others who waited anxiously outside the door, alongside the hallway.

Unexpectedly Glenn walked in 2 hours later. Firstly again saying he was sorry. "I told you before, we shouldn't have been there. I had a bad feeling something bad was bound to happen and Phin told me had felt the same if only I had really listened. I tried to the best of my abilities todo what I could, but I have no medical experience-" 
"Hey Glenn, it's okay. I am thankful you did what you could to save his life, in fact, it was no one's fault. And as you know he will get better, I won't leave his side again. This I can promise. My miscarriage can't rule my life forever, death is everywhere but with death prior is life. And Phin has so much more to learn and experience, he is strong so I know he will live through this to fight another day." "You should have been an ethics teacher." Glenn smiled, "Well if I was, my moral and philosophy right now in life I think is that this uprising was no one's fault. If I was really looking at the optimistic side of things, I had a baby I lost it but its okay, I've met people I would have never had the honor to met ever. I have learned things,  new things. How to survive and if we all survive and possibly conquer this there won't be any trials or tribulations we cannot overcome. Because I believe Glenn that everything happens for a reason. Whether God chooses this uprising or a scientific flaw is evident in all of this mess." I kissed his forehead and hugged him comforting he sadden heart. "It'll be okay." "How can you be so strong right now?"
And even though it seemed I knew the ethical side right now, I was flipping out inside, I wanted to cry. And punched the wall and ask the world. Why? Why him? Alas, it wasn't the right time, the right place. The worst is yet to come and now I know this I am ready now.


2days had passed, Phin often slept a lot after he woke up. And For those 48hours I was bedridden with him but not in bed just waiting. In case he hurt or need anything. We numbed the pain with medication often as he asked, an occasionally Hershel declined if he wasn't careful and overdose would occur. Shane and the others visited meanwhile and chatted. But Shane among the mot stayed longer, talked with me longer, shared with me longer.

Caressed my face stroking my head, smiling into my eyes and kissing my forehead before he had to leave. Carl liked to read to me his comic books a lot, While Maggie brought in food but I felt guilty to eat since he couldn't so I thought I won't eat till he was ready to do as well. Like a hunger strike, kinda. Betty or was it something else-Beth-right her, she occasionally elfishly visited. Asking questions of recovery, how she longed for his appearance outside again. She and he apparently were close since I was off mourning before and had taken it out my wrists.

But I was no believer in religion even though being brought up in a Christian family it was ironic. So at night, I prayed. I prayed for Phin to get better, for him to become healthier. 

The UndeadOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora