It's Okay To Cry.

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Erik's POV

That night was warm even though you tossed and turned looking for a comfortable place to rest. Occasionally tugging the blankets further up your long body.

And when you woke up, the sun shone bright through the glass window. It seemed like I forgot to close the curtains last night.
Yawning I pull myself up using my hands to lift me up. "Ugh" I felt icky this morning , it wasn't because of the baby, I felt flushed in my sky, my throat felt scratchy as I tried to breathe in and out. I didn't wanna get up and out of bed.

I sat upwards on the bed wiping the sleep from out of my eyes. And the dried up drool from my mouth. "Ah, why do I feel icky." I decide to go take a shower.


The water was warm , the liquid running down my face and upturned belly. It felt like truculent silk, my eyes closed as I run my fingers through my shampooed hair. The smell of lotus I embrace it .

I wash out my hair scrubbing my body with soap and a rag towel. My then condition my hair. It felt silky still wet. I could easily run my fingers through my hair even as I massage it thoroughly.

I wash out the conditioner, I wash my face. And brush my teeth in the shower. It's hard to found such delicacies during these times. I embrace the peppermint taste, who could anyone in zombie movies deal with bad breathe, or teeth. It's honestly beyond me.


I get put of the shower still slightly dripping wet, I dress myself in stretchy black, slightly ripped up tights and a navy blue t shirt. And knee high Socks that look dirty by I swear there not. 

My hair pulled back in a bun. My face breaking out in ache. "Fuck." I moan my nose all runny. Someone knocks on my door, it's Maggie.

"Come in." She comes in.
"Hey, you okay?" She asks quietly, I nod. "Your face seems abit paler , did you just shower?" "Mhm." "Well, when your ready there's so food in the microwave." I nod and smile she leaves the room.


Finally after a hour of procrastination and a stuffy nose I decide to go out and eat. Carl rushes pass me , seemed he was having fun running around like a lunatic. I heard Lori talking to Rick, I wasn't eavesdropping. I walked down the hall into the kitchen.

Opening the microwave inside was a bowel with, cut up apples, bananas and oranges. Glad wrapped, a sticky note pressed on top.

Picked freshly, gotta keep fed.
x M&G

I smile, "-gotta keep feed, huh?" I take out the food mentally taking note to thank Glenn and Maggie. I unwrap it and take a bite of apple.

Phin walks in abit gloomier than usual he passes me with a sigh. Behind him trudges Rick and Beth, "He says he doesn't wanna talk." Rick says. "What's wrong?" I ask, "I don't know, it's like he's a different person. He won't talk to anyone. Not even Stephanie, Caitlin or Jazzmin nor Brooke." "Really! Should I ?" Beth and Rick nodd enthusiastically. I make my way down the hall towards the kitchen , Phin is standing at the sink grabbing a glass of water.

"What's up, Buttercup?"
"Don't sugercoat me, hun." Phin said .
"What's got your knickers in a twist. Ew, never mind I am never saying that again." "Nothing." Phin says rinsing his glass, and walks away. I follow determined.

He struts his way over to the shooting range and pulls out a gun from his holster. And starts aiming at the rusty cans.  He pulls the trigger and the bullets fly's out at lighting speed knocking over the cans.

"Stop following me!" Phin pleads not turning to look at me. I stand behind him grinning at his skillful talent. "You've gotten good with the gun. " I say praising, a stack of throwing knives piled on a barrel and as I walk over to grab them I notice Phin stops to reload .

"What are you doing?" He asks curious, I walk a metre away from the can and bend my arm, the single knife. It's sliver metal almost touching  my  shoulder as I fling them, the knife flies straight into the trees trunk. I throw two more, at a can then the trunk.

I look at Phin who stands amazed, "I didn't know you could throw knives." "You never know what I can do, unless you stop sulking. And tell me what is wrong."

He blinks at me pretending to not know what I am saying. "Stop being a Cunt, you got everyone and now me curious and fucking worried. I cannot read your mind , and I feel sick so I am not up for games!" I spit not noticing that I was now shouting, " Shane, I wanna deck that Cunt into space. " Phin grunts in annoyance, "he pisses me off , and ever time I look at him every morsel in my body wants to knock him on his flat scrawny ass." I laugh . "It's not funny, and now he's got you knocked up, and It makes me wanna kill him ." Phin shouts aiming the gun back at the cans . Shooting at them with anger. 

"First of all, Put the gun down and talk to me, I am not a fucking over there so face me. Second , It wasn't anyone's fault. Third of all, stop being a whining little bitch, alright?"

Phin puts down the gun, and faces towards me, his face red as tomatoes. His fists are clenched like he's going to beat someone up, his body skinnier than it was last.

"What do you want me to say. I won't ever forgive him for what he's done, what he's said." He looks down pouting ashamed of what he feels. "I was suppose to protect you and I failed. You still got hurt emotionally and I feel so sad and lost and I don't know what to do. "

I walk to him, embracing him as he is in a comforting hug,  he starts crying painfully into my shoulder. "I'm sorry."

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