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[ Song above, Waiting around to die by The Be Good Tanya's]

"It was my fault!-" Erik stated clearly after she climbed out of the back seat.
"- She told me she wasn't ready! She was fucking scared. And now she's dead!" Erik paced feeling the urge of guilt drain her face pale, she felt weak after the running.

Everyone was catching thrift breath still well Glenn stood seeing if the horde could of followed- "Coast is clear!" Shane announced, and relief washed over Rick's face but Erik's remained pained.

"She had to face it , one way or another!" Shane spat trying to reason with Erik. "She couldn't stay hidden forever, Erik. We aren't all expendable!" Shane bellowed finally catching his breath again well Erik stood shell-shocked and angry.
But he finally grasped at what he just said, "Erik, I didn't mean-"

"Fuck you, Shane Walsh." Walking away she held up her middle finger."Don't think I don't know. Asshole." She was feeling everything expect for reassurance and happiness.

"We better get going. Before it gets dark." Erik tossed her satchel to the floor beneath her feet that stood numb in the car. "Yeah." Rick climbed into the front seat, Shane in the passenger to make it less awkward and Glenn next to Erik.

If the silence wasn't uncomfortable, Erik wasn't sure what was. "Sorry" Glenn whispered into Erik's side. She nodded unable to make words come out her mouth, she's lost another dear friend to a death. This was unkind and cruel and Erik recognized death as a motive to get shit back in order and moving as once they were home.

Shit starts rolling.


Erik's Pov
There was no time to mourn .
No time to grasp.
This was the ending to a new beginning. I know some people will die, it's inevitable but I will lessen that rate by all means necessary. Putting my life at risk for these people I saw call 'family' was not at less awkward anymore.

So when and if they time came for me to jump in front of a gun, I would.


"I'm so sorry." Erik mumbled to her friends everyone expect Phin who laid conscious in ache on his bed. Stephanie stood pale now whilst Caitlin gazed so effortlessly into Erik's eyes to find this a joke, so it wouldn't be real . But as it sounded it wasn't like that. It was real.

"I tried to get us out!" Erik agrued now surrounding her was distant eyes of the people she knew. News gathered around quickly and it was frowned about that the now dead member of the crew passed with dread.

"I won't ever forget the sacrifices she made for our survival her death will now be in vain. The safety of our family is not inclusive but exclusive to the fact I will not rest till we succeed at safe and secure sanctuary. "

A lot of cheers we made, and debates were going to be in protests, but it was in motion. Erik finally found her motive and as soon as Phin was healthy they'd all set off to find their new salvation.

A new home.


Erik now finally kept a diary, a journal with findings, feelings and thoughts written in calligraphy so if one day she had passed some folk would find the amazing and life treating adventures shed encounter. The pathways that endeavor into death and destruction and the other happiness and hope.


"Come on, let me read it!" Brooke asked jumping up in down in a fit to read Erik's new paper. "No it isn't done!" Erik protested , it was a paper with 1000+ words about life . That's all they'd ever know besides that they had to write a paper on anything in English Studies at Uni.

"We know your good, so give it up." Phin debated sliding a French fries into his small mouth, well the others giggled like five year olds.

"Fine-" Erik spat and Brooke grabbed the paper reading aloud the first sentence and then the next, one after another until at the end she gasped. "This was amazing. So precisely configured. Fine details and the end made me have a mid life crisis. " Stephanie cried joy, "No one understands what you are saying!" Erik stated slowly like she was talking to a baby. "Fuck up, thot!"

Erik clutched her chest, squinting her eyes shut. "Aggressive." She faked pouted as it sarcastically gutted her feelings. But she poked the middle finger in response. "Nerd." Caitlin declared smiling and laughing, well the other laughed hysterically.

"Haha, well at least I finished high school!" Stephanie triggered starring daggers at Jazmin. "Hey fuck you! High school was shit, and you know it!" Jazmin cried agitated at the brought up topic.

Everyone was smiling, happily as can be. And no one thought anything can go wrong after that.

Erik was brought back to reality by the shouting that occurred, by none other Stephanie and Caitlin.
"Everyone dies, Caitlin. It's fucking life!" Stephanie argued at the Caitlin who's face smeared pissed off. "You know what, I don't need that!" She pointed at Stephanie, "I don't need your bullshit or fucking attitude!" Caitlin screamed, " You mean honestly, hey Caitlin guess what, reality check life's nog all fucking sunshine and rainbows. " Stephanie yelled screaming the last bit.

Caitlin stormed away to cool down. Well everyone just stared, "What the fuCk everyone staring at? No one ever seen a girl fight? Pricks." Stephanie asked annoyed well walking off in her new found anger.

Everyone seemed on edge especially Erik on the recover of Phin who appeared to somehow get better after nights of endless agony. Tossing and turning , but tonight he'd lay still with Erik to accompany his side in slumber.

Erik caressed the poor boys face well he drenched in sweat, she used her free hand to pamper his forehead with a cold cloth. Wiping the sweat and cooling him down.

"I'm so sorry." She whispered before bih falling into a well earned slumber. "It's not your fault,Erik." Phin mumbled. Before falling asleep in the arms f his beloved best friend .

Three chapters in one night.
Far you fellas must be lucky, because you cunts well deserve it.

What will happen with Caitlin and Stephanie's friendship?
Shane and Erik?

What will they find?
Succession or failure.
Death or destruction.
Salvation or another death trial.

Until next time on, The Undead.

Stay tuned X

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E.J.R.C aka Erika Jade

Word Count in total: 1122

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