Condolences, Wise Mind.

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Hungover knees Erika sat silently on the hay bail under her. The sky almost darkens as the sunset became clear. Erika stared with the devil on her back she thought if it was ever enough, the bloodshed, anger, and sadness every emotion or the dead lifeless people which roam the grounds without sleeping a wink at night. Maybe then they could stop this world hunger for blood, closure or an end to all dead things. Erika let everything evolve around her, the wind lifted her hair back and so she was consumed with her thoughts.

Dinner arose and once again declining the kind generous offer so regain her posture to her once again anti-social rebound on the sky. She knew Beth would watch her always, "Sleep with one eye open." She suggested smirking she didn't say "sorry" for what she did, Beth hoped for Phins approval or forgiveness to her previous actions. Erik and everyone in her group knew how her motor worked 'kill or be killed', 'If you want it, get it.' And Erika was no stranger to those types of people like Shane was also like this. Hershel didn't speak to Beth, I supposed he needed to regain some composure and mindset and not throw himself off course in argument towards his daughter. 

Jazzmin and the rest left Erika to be, they knew what she wanted and needed right now. Alone time, and in some cases, it wasn't the best option.  To those who didn't know like Carl, Rick, Shane, Maggie or even Hershel nagged for emotion from Erika. But no success, Carl asked the group why Erika was like this in response; "She'll be okay, she needs to be with herself for now." Jazzmin rubbed his backside in comfort. Erika felt his eyes stare at the back of her head, but still, Erika felt no emotion coursing through her. "What's she thinking?" Shane murmured to Rick who stood clueless no one knew, "Who knows?" "Phin?" "Yeah, lets not, poor boy got stuck between a triangle which consisted of two girls." Shane sighed. Erika in her head knew she could hear everyone talking. Maggie called for dinner which everyone went inside and Erika sat in her still spot not eating all day. I heard from afar Phin did not attend as he was in his room thinking of what to do.

What do I do? Erika's mind was at.  She wasn't tired, hunger or motivated at the moment. Has she triggered depression? Probably, Probably not. If so there was no medication she remembers she had. Erika mumbled a song which no one but Phin and the group of girls such as Jazzmin, Caitlin or Stephanie would know of.  Fluorescent Adolescent by the Arctic Monkeys.  The guitar strum, drum beat all in her head. Finally breaking out in a drum solo with her hands, whispering the lyrics Phin loved to hear Erika sing it gave him reasons to see her. "Promise me once we finish here, you'll pursue your dream!" Erika and the rest of gain that attended Westend Main Universty,  sat in the cafeteria before classes started, Music was Erika's dream. Phin always said nothing was going for him Erika believed that to be a lie. " I'll rescue all the dogs and bring them into my home when I get one, feed'em and love'em-"  Remembering what Phin said that day of the end of their lives, hours before the undead rise. 

Rick stood by her side, Erika felt him near she stopped, "Please don't stop." He said sitting next to her. "Sing for me again, again."  Erika screwed up her face only to not reply with what Rick wanted to hear. "No good." She commented snapping out of transit. "It's fine, but I will decide that myself." Rick laughed then frowning. "Sorry-" She turned to see him, she wanted to cry but she didn't want Rick to see her like that. Burnt down and broken. But she hated how she can act like this. She hated herself so much for it. "Why?" He asked her sighing, "Because I open up it hurts." She quoted a Sam Smith song lyric from the back way when. "it's okay then." Rick replied.

Apparently, dinner had finished and soon Rick's gang were soon to leave, keep moving forward. We all knew that this was a delay to regain minds, and rest, plan and stock take. Erika was going to ask if they could go with them if she'd talk to the guys about it later that night or the next day.
Maybe he'd agree with the rest, but for now. Before work, Erika would spend this time inside her mind with Rick, who to her felt like a father she never could or would have.

-Condolences, Wise minds.
This was a filler chapter previously written I wrote and forgot to add my initial, sorry. 
Hope you enjoyed and much as I did writing the previous chapter. The song above is Sam Smith "Too Good At Goodbyes." Great song 10 outta 10 top notch, relatable on many levels.
 BTW*** Sorry about some of the grammatical errors throughout the story <3 
Anyway, happy reading folks 


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