Baby, Let The Games Begin.

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Erika had a knot in her stomach and aitch for something she didn't want know to be true. She felt Beth was getting to her, pushing her buttons waiting for Erika to break and turn into failing mess. Erika preferred that to being a zombified person though, She sat staring at her feet everyone still talked a gossip about the two. "I'm sure I saw them out last night together-" Caitlin gossiped "Almost every night since you left." Jazzmin butted in, Erika clearly saw Stephanie give Jazzmin a death glare which Jazzmin hoped she could regain herself from as guilt and an apologetic look washed over her face as she stared at me mouthing the word, "Sorry." Erika weakly smiled in returned she was getting the feeling that Beth was more than an emotional treat to Erika but a constant reminder of what she could never be. It made Erika jealous, very sad, angry and reckless. 

Erika felt sick in her stomach at the thought that was pierced in her head, "Beth loves Phin." 
Erika was actually going to vomit, she covered her mouth holding it in as long as she could she ran to the back of the barn. Exhaling what she held in, to her surprise.

Walking back to the group they shone worried on their faces as they asked the youngest if she was okay. She nodded in response, "I'm fine." but she was now battling with her mind and to Erika that was a dangerous thing. "There is no medication to help you now." It was her all the negative things about her mind she tried to remember what her therapist would say to her before she took leave, "When those thoughts come all you should do is tell them to fuck off!"

And then again Erika felt reckless, stood up and left the angry in her eyes blood boiling. "Where are you going-" Caitlin asked grabbing my arm trying to stop me, I snatched myself her. 

(Usually you should play that badass song provided above the chapter title, but you don't have to. You can play any other loved song that makes you feel like ripping out someone's soul and eating it! Happy Reading folks!) 

Erika climbed step after step waiting to rip out her heart and stomp on it, she wanted Phin to be happy but the feeling that change was about to happen to her would ruin her love for him. Erika wouldn't risk it, even if her life depended on it. She heard Phin behind a door which was her room. "A-are you okay!" and then she saw the room through the small gap "Beth didn't close the door properly, dumb bitch." What made Erika more upset was the thought of Beth kissing, using Phin and before she could finish her current thought the worst happened after the awkward silence. "She kissed him, your dead bitch!" Erika whispered before barging in, pushing Beth back. " I see how this is going to be." Erika hissed pushing Beth against the back wall, Phin trying to pull me back before punching Beth in the arm.  "In the middle of the night in my dreams, you should see the things we do, baby!" Beth hissed, Another punch Erika growled Phin trying so hard to get them to stop shouting he meant nothing like that to him. Beth pushed back, "Fucker has guts, give it your hardest bitch!" Erika spat, One punch in the face it stung Erika's face a bit. Another punch Erika was letting her do it, She felt possessed in anger and sadness. "Touch me and you'll never be alone!" Erika breathed out. Pushing her down tumbling down punches were thrown hair was pulled screams could be heard from a mile away. 

"Try and take him cunt!" Beth argued, "Bitch, try me." Erika implied before Beth throwing more punching she knew were to leave bruises and cuts. Erika felt her arm bleed slightly from Beth's long nails,  her long blonde hair mocked Erika as it was tied up in a bun. "Can't you see he wants me more than you! You'll never be near him, I'll steal him from you and when you think you have him you won't because I'll be that girl breathing down your neck ready to jump you and steal your man. So don't you try bitch." Beth threatened in Erika's left ear as she held her down by strangling her down with Beth's free hand, grip so tight it'll be to kill one day. Erika struggled to breathe to get free from the confinement Beths hides me in.

Bleeding lips and cut brows a new trend it seemed to be these days as the light faded in and out of Erika's view and finally out. Erika felt Phin's and Rick's hands grab her wrap from out of Beth's reach, she felt Beth off of her from the weight that tied her down from the air, from the life itself.Phin cradled Erika arms shaking her awake from 3minutes screaming her name, Erika knew Beth didn't mean for it to go as far as it did. She was a good daughter and a good friend but territorial to strangers. Shallowing breathing, Hershel started CPR, he started talking and Phin was upset Erika could tell from a sob he threw well Beth tried to comfort him, he threw her off of him.  It was three times of CPR before Erika woke back up sitting up quickly in a panic.

-2 hours later-

Beth and Erika were separated Phin sat alone, he felt like he needed to clear his head, Beth explained herself to Maggie and she understood what happened clearer. Rick sat next to me on the rooftop of the barn not speaking, Erika could tell what he was thinking about. "I'm fine, Rick. Just misunderstandings." Rick didn't believe the words I said and neither would I if I was him. "That was more than a misunderstanding, Erika." "And maybe your right, Rick but right now I don't really want to talk about it. But when I do I'll talk to you about it." He nodded, "Are you sure you're fine Carl said you didn't eat and you hardly ate while we were out, plus you are a bit paler." "I don't really much have a big appetite." He nodded still Erika was not fooling him for a moment. Erika was worried by Beth's threat,"The girl's a woman of word, a promise is a promise, stubborn as a cow." Hershel mentioned on the way back home in the truck they found in a garage. "She's a go getter like her mother, Beth gets what Beth's wants no matter who or what stands in her way." That made Erika prepared but slightly scared of whats to come.

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