Dead Young blood

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Phin wasn't getting better , he was getting much more infected in his wound.
Erik grew reckless and tired and hungry for danger now mostly spending her spare time hunting with Daryl or gathering supplies.
Stephanie's conscience was silent but worried for her friends life. As like Caitlin's and Jazmin had they not been to preoccupied with chores.
Others were living their life normally, well Beth went to the shooting range more often and Maggie and Andrea walked the premises .
Rick, Hershel, Shane as well as Glenn had made meetings to be every third morning as a way to update on information.
But no one was ever alone, not anymore. But everyday was the complete same, until Erik woke up to find their day hunt with Daryl turned into a search for a urgent need for a new beginning.

Carol packed small amounts of food for lunches for 4 Individual people including myself, Shane, Rick, Jazzmin. Jazmin was on my own choosing it took some convincing but eventually they shook.

Loading ourselves into the silver Rover each with a handgun or a rifle. Jazmin wasn't sure if she was fit to kill or hunt with them but she would have to learn soon. Erik felt soon there will be a wave of danger that's going to hit.

And it'll be unexpected.

Erik had a goal, a list to complete the others would thank her later for the plan.

The car ride seemed long and silencing but Jazmin broke that. "Why did you accept this tag along agreement?"

"Don't get us wrong, at first we didn't! But you maybe of use and your going to have to learn." Shane spat not leaving a word to stutter but crisp and clean like he was good at speaking cutting edged words.

"Straight to the fucking point." Erik smiled as it suggested she was saying that as a compliment. "Right." Rick adjusted to comfortably sit in his seat accelerating a bit more.


We passed two towns til we stopped at one we had not encountered. So as usual we staggered out cautiously, Jazmin deeply inhaling and exhaling before exiting the parked automobile. "We scanned the area, we grab what we can find. Pack up and leave, meet back here in an hour. And if shit turns to worse we run to the car and leave. Don't be a hero-" Rick planned ending to look at Erik, but she rolled her eyes.

"Move out." Rick finalized, and everyone separated. Erik stumbled onto a old pharmacy encountering pain medication that was probably no doubt expired. Jazmin stayed with Erik unable to let go of the feeling of reassurance that implied safety, as long as it was with someone she knew and trusted.

Rick came across an old mart which came to be empty but left in the stockroom were stacks of canned food, to his amazement he planned to drive the car to stack it up well 3 pellets of canned fruits, beans and spaghetti.
He didn't question why it was left for anyone to claim.

Quick to notice movement sounding from nearby. "It's a trap." Shane nudged Rick.

Glenn was not far behind with the Rover parked up against the once use to be delivery depot.

A gun fire made Jazmin panicked but adrenaline rush through Erik and she was in  fight mode. Where as Jazmin was in flight mode, standing stiff as a stick well Erik dragged her to crouching level behind the counter.

"Shit sounded close-" anOther bullet fired but not at them this time, it sounded further away. "We better make a move." Jazmin was scared it was clearly evident in her brown colored eyes and lit with worry of survival kit for herself but for Erik and the others.

"We got to find the others."Erik declared before both running out the back entrance towards the wrath of bullets pounding against metal and wood .

"The food mart." Jazmin spat, as they darted trying to be incognito. But a bunch of groans an muffled voices grew louder as we approached, and bullets rung through their ears.

Jazmin watched in complete horror as a sudden horde of 'zombiefied' people scrurry to attack the now sprinting Rick and Shane. "Get to the car!" Rick bellowed for us to hear. But the walkers were gaining us fast and we couldn't make a mistake or it would certainly cost us our life.

Everyone remembered it all so vividly , they way these once human beings looked. Etched in oozing stale blood and pulsations through their veins, some in which half a limb was missing.

It wasn't something to be startled by it was something that was going to happened had it not, the things known as 'walkers' was not a surprise arrival.

Most people have only known that all their lives and others don't remember before the reaping.

We skidded corners and Jazmin tugged onto Erik's hand strongly not loosing grip until they came to a dead end and it was blocked off my another large fence , withdrawing us from moving forward. Erik cursed under her breath and Jazmin panicked now breathing at a fast paced knowing they were officially fucked.

"What the fuck do we do now?" Jazzmin asked anxiety radiating from her voice, eyes brimming with tears. "Keep your shit together ." Erik's hands clasped bother her shoulders shaking her back and forth vigorously. "I'm going to die." Jazmin screamed, until a they were now face to face with at least 20 odd walkers speeding their way.

Erik's POV [20minutes after.]

Everything was like a blur , a combination of one whole action. I remember the screaming, yelling "Run!" But it was too late.

Erik stood rifle shooting as many deadbeat walkers in the head, many came tumbling to the concreted pavement . Rick and Shane shooting from the open boot that stopped outside the other end of the alley way. As they screamed for us to run they tried to comply but the horde grew to an unstable, uncontrollable amount. We sprinted towards the Rover to their surprise Erik made it well Jazmin fought furiously. Battling the one Walker a top of her, trying to nibble and feast one her. But one thing lead to another as her final words screamed, "Go!" She was sucked and hidden beneath the groans of walkers that ate away at her flesh mounted body. Her screams making Erik's heart ache and break even more than it did before. Well Glenn sped away so fast the town was now overcrowded with walkers that now banged against the windshield as we ran into them.  Climbing over the seats We all now sat in the back until we stopped at a nearby truck stop to evaluate what happen.

Sorry, she was becoming a distant reminder of civilization and social probably didn't make sense, anyhow. She had to be kidded off sorry, progression to make Erik edgier an aggressive to adjust to the new world order.

What will happen to Phin?
Can he be saved?

How will Caitlin and the others react to the death of their closest friend?
Will they forgive Erik?

What will be Erik's father intentions at bring a more safe and secure haven to the pack?

More to come in the next chapter.

Stay tuned!

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