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Today was the day, to scout and plan our safe arrival to the new frontier. All was well even the heartache goodbyes that were made that morning. No one knew if they were going to survive or if the people that stayed behind were going to be okay, anything could happen. A horde could take over well we were away or savages ambush them. "You know you have to come back."Phin said laying wet droplets on Erik's shoulder. As they hugged tightly, never wanting to part, "I know and I will." Erik sniffled into the hug until she was finally letting go. "I will be back-" "You fucking better, and if you don't I will kick your ass when I find you, you hear me." The both laughed, "Loud and clear , chief." Erik giggled well saluting the fellow she now was the last to climb aboard the pick up truck, it's ignition turned and engine roaring to life under its cap.

Erik sat, perched rifle on her lap. It felt like they all headed to the army never to come back. Lori waved with Carl hugging her side like a baby koala bear. Daryl sat opposite eyeing Carol on his leave. Glenn didn't have to feel the heartache of leaving as much behind, he had Maggie, his lover and partner is crime.

But somehow we all we leaving something behind. Shane was quiet throughout the ride not speaking just humming a old tune that not most would know of. "So what is with you two?" Daryl asked Erik who wasn't prepared for a serious question especially from Daryl. Erik shrugged, "What do you mean?" "You two are all lovey dicey and then it's all tense." Daryl rolled his eyes at the mention of love, "It's complicated." "Sure is." Daryl said ending the topic by replacing it by, "So you stepped out of your shell, huh. What gave the impression to move the tide?" Erik laughed at his metaphor, " Well when you begin with a pack of 5 and you lose 2, Well it gives you motive. I didn't know my mother or father. No siblings that I know of, so when the only family I can ever know of gets hurt you better know I sure as hell will rip any bloody sucker to ensure their safe. Even if it means my deathbed be early." Daryl gripped his crossbow making sure his shotgun was intact as soon we'd be arriving. "We'll be arriving soon anyway- You'll know when you see it, it's called Callads Prison." Erik said yelling out the last statement to Rick who was driving.


Callads Prison also known as Galahad's Hell, story goes the Killer Legend still walks the halls at night as a ghost. He will gut you up and skin you, drain you dry and where you skin as clothes and masks. Even as a ghost he still haunts the living.

Galahad's Hell was and is a high maximum security containment unit, fostering not only the most dangerous humans but the most insane specimens harbored beneath the concrete floors known as the basement unit. Galahad Jefferson not only criminally insane but a mass murder.  Sadistically killing his family ; Wife and baby son.

Eventually the truck had come to a halt just a a meter from the prison. It's surrounds laced with walkers, of course most of which are dressed in khaki or orange jumpsuits indicating that they were prisoners to Galahad.

From a high, Daryl noted how many were in the area, well Rick scanned and minded how many were circling . Maggie and Glenn minded the pathway which would get us in and Shane deviated with Erik a plan to attack efficiently.

"I suggest we block them off somehow trying to kill as little as we can." Shane planned, it was ideal and duly considered.

"There is a gated hall leading to a metal door if we make it past the entrance gates, and into the cage we have a change of blocking them off into we are in the main." Erik suggested thoroughly, "From the main courtyard there is or should be a door leading to the inside dorms. We take out as many as we can from there till everyone- and I mean EVERYONE , gets through that door. Then we plan from there how we going to secure the area. Any questions?" Erik finalized, "No?"

"Daryl and Glenn watch Erik's and Maggie's backs, Erik and Maggie clear out the first half well Shane and I deviate the next stage. I have a plan." Rick demanded, everyone went to take their places.

Everyone alert and slowly with deep precaution looked for walkers to shoot when they came into sight. They all were banged up against the fence line well most harbored the entrance.

Daryl was the first to get a headshot and from there all the walkers charged at us like a pack of bulls. "FuCk." Erik muttered under her breathe.

They shoot bullet after bullet. Rick lagged his backpack of his back trudging through , he was the first to make to the gate alongside Glenn. Luckily the systems were of course down, No electricity. So they with haste pushed the gate open, heaving well Erik, Daryl and Maggie kept their backs. Shane and Rick pushing it open. Glenn shoots from within the box to any Walker that comes within range to attack Rick or Shane.

Finally they gate is open and most of the walkers outside are dead. Insiders flood the fields to charge them now but they make it to the gated walkway in time to survive.

Rick pulls out a makeshift bomb out of an old glass bottle, a flammable tag and gasoline inside the bottle.

Quietly exiting the walkway into the courtyard he tosses it to the larger crowd before walkers gang up on them. Some walkers in S.W.A.T outfits are apparent. Erik knifes a walker in the head and side enough everyone makes it into the prison.

But it isn't over yet.


The last chapter, thanks for coming along the wild dramatic journey with your Authors;


Aswell as myself. It's been an honor and a sequel will indeed come straight after. I'm not sure when It will be up.

But anyway, much love to my Co author/publisher and idealist. My fans for their support, The Walking Dead cast and crew as well as producer, Co executive, director and writer. Much love.

Disclaimer: I do not own nor take claim for any one of TWD actors or characters and or scenarios. But all rights reserved for my own and my Co author's characters. All rights reserved towards, storyline and plot. Copyright Claims in the to cage The Elephants and The Good Be Tanya's  for their music in chapters via YouTube. Goggle images and Canva Book Creator for their cover I used to smoke for this book.
Thanks Wattpad Director's for the inhabitants of this book.


None of this or father more will connect to the plot line or storyline of the actual series nor will it inherit it's formalities and so forth.

Once again so many thanks and all my love

Authors napalmgirls and Erika_Jade_Girl

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