Run Clickers Run

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"Hey there, you okay?" Rick asked me.I nodded, "You're a bad liar." Rick laughed. Its only been a hour and we're almost to the city. "I guess I already miss Phin." I whisper, looking forward. My bag lagging behind me, "If you don't mind me asking what age are you?". I looked at Rick, " I don't mind at all. I'm youngest of the group. I'm almost 18. But Phins looked out for me since before this all happened since I was 5years old. We went to school. I don't owe you nothing, but I know I can trust you. The others may not. " I could see in the distance hiding behind a tree was a rusty old gas station sign. "Forget it, look there's a gas station just up ahead."

We sprinted up to the gas station, it looked messed up but still its foundation stood steady. A bit of the roof was broken and rusty. Shane stood in front of the stores door. It was covered up with planks of wood and metal sheets. Shane kicked the door, 1....2...3 times before it opened up to reveal shelves with a few cans on them, confectionary. "Jackpot." Shane whooped.

This seemed too easy, something in the atmosphere felt crooked and wrong."Rick." I whispered pulling at his sleeve. "Hmm." He looked at me and I looked at him confused. "I feel as though something is wrong." And I heard it, clickers were alerted from the amount of commotion Shane was making from looting. "Clickers," Rick announced. His eyes tired, adrenaline pumping in my veins. Hershel was looting up in the medical section.

I pulled out my bow and arrows shooting these fuckers in the eyes. Rick using his assault rifle. Every battle I have fought a song plays in my head. It was like a kickass battle scene from 'Babydriver'.

Should I stay or should I go by The Clash.

I watched as the clickers and crawlers fell to the ground. "No mercy!" I scream, Rick darts to the back room where me and Shane covering him from behind. As Rick tries the budge the door open a crawler catches me from behind, and I elbow it in the face. As it tumbles to the ground I shoot it behind the eyes. Hershel looked at me, throwing a knife at a crawler behind me. "Thanks" I shout.

"Bitch!" I spat in it's face. Rick gets the door open and we all tumble in together. "Shit what now!?" Shane wails, the zombies banging at the door trying to eat us whole.

"It's becoming dark, we have not made any progress...." Shane grumbles. "Shut up, Shane. Can't you see we are both worried." I winced and grabbed my arm. I didn't realise how much pain I was in until I saw a huge gash an cut down my arm and wrist. "How did that happen?" I asked. Hershel grabs my arm and carefully uses a rag from his satchel to bandage me up. "I'm fine." I justify myself.

"Yeah yeah." Rick looks around for an escape. And yet no luck, I guess we'll have to wait it out. "We'll have to wait this one out." Rick announces. Shane dumps himself in a corner. The rooms quite big for an office. A desk, broken down computer, documents and chairs. A nice couch and glass coffee table, too nice for a gas station.

-2hour time skip.-

I'm getting thirsty. But there's no water around my last bit I gave to Hershel. Rick looked through a peep hole that lead out to into where the clickers an crawlers were.

My eyes started to drop shut. But I kept startling myself awake. Slapping my now-red cut face. Hershel sat over looking at his items that he collected, while Shane slept. "Rick." I mumbled in this moment I felt very vulnerable, I usually am as its a symptom of my depression. He looks at me confused "I thought you were asleep. What's up?" "I know we haven't known each other for long, but I just want to say. Thank you." "What for?" He asks, "Taking me and my gang in. See I never saw much of my neglectful father growing up. And my mother was to selfish and stubborn in pride to see she had a child. So that's why I had Phin, I would of been dead if it hadn't been for that reckless idiot. We've all lost so much, and even though we don't know each other well enough. I feel as though I have, I care enough to say, I'd care if something happened to you. " He sniffles a smile at me and embraces me in a tight hug. "I'm not one for hugs-" "Me too" "I promise you nothing will happened, to you. You won't get hurt kid." He says ruffling my hair up. I smile "Thanks Pickle Rick." I reference a TV Show I use to watch. He let go of me.

"I think it's clear, we can leave now." Rick announces. I wake up Shane, as much as I want to leave him behind.

We loot. Pads. Tampons. Canned goods. Seeds. Blankets. Anything we might think we need to survive. Knives, really sharp knives. Rope. Ammo.

We leave towards the city.

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