Take Me Home

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Motionless, Phin stood outside the bedroom. Whispering sweet nothings under his breath as he bit at the tips of his fingers — a habit he couldn't seem to shake.

Things were spiralling downhill fast. Leaning against the wall to stop his knees from giving in, he took a deep breath. Trying to calm himself down from doing out of line.

"I've been looking everywhere for you!" Beth breathed, staring up at the older man with panic in her eyes.


She was practically covered in it, the sticky red substance clinging to her clothes like a second skin. The crimson smell beginning to fill the air.

"We need you in there!"

He could only stare, tears threatening to spill. "Don't make me go in there. I can't go in there, Beth!"

His voice was horse as he pleaded, eyes widening in horror as she grabbed his arm, the blood smearing across his skin. It felt too real.

"Please don't make me go in there, I can't!"

She didn't listen. Nobody listened. As much as he thrashed around and begged till his voice hurt — her grip was strong.

"For the love of god, man up!" she seethed, dragging him back towards the room. "She needs you in there."

He swallowed the lump in his throat, preparing himself for the worst as they entered the room.

Everything's red.

Trying to filter out the commotion, he kneeled beside her. Tears running down his face as he struggled to catch a hold of his breath. Hands immediately intertwining together.

When the bleeding finally ceased, the room fell silent.

"She's going to be fine—" Shane spoke, breaking the tension that lingered in the air.

"Get out." he closed his eyes momentarily, masking the anger that burned from within. "All of you please."

"Phin, we want to be there for her too. You've got to understand." Jazzmin took a step forward.

"Maybe you need a minute outside." Stephanie suggested, gently tugging on his sleeve as to urge him. He wasn't in the right state of mind. It was obvious. So everyone simply stayed quiet as the two left.

The girls watching closely.

"I'm not right." he mumbled, blindly following her through the hallway into the foyer.

Standing in the vestibule, she wrapped her arms around his torso. "Everything's going to be okay." she whispered.

She's going to die.

"I need a minute alone." he replied.

Stephanie nodded silently, making her way back inside but staying close so that she could still see him.

"I'm not right." he mumbled again, this time to himself. It's too much. Rubbing at the blood that covered his skin, he began to weep softly. Whimpering like a kicked puppy when the metallic scent began to waft in the air. It's all too much.

She peered around the corner again, a sinking feeling in her stomach as she watched him pick and scratch at the blood that covered his arm.

When he stopped, he sat there idle. Staring out at the land that stretched for miles. Lost in thought.

"Are you ready to come back inside?" she called out in a hushed tone. It had been well over five minutes.

"Y-yeah..." he stuttered, wiping away at the tears that fell down his cheeks. "I think I can do it."

They returned to the bedroom to find that Shane was the only one present, knelt down beside the girl that he loved. Crying softly as he held her hand. "Baby please."

Stephanie knocked only the door lightly, holding onto his sleeve with her other hand. Almost resembling and toddler clinging onto her teddy bear.

"Could Phin—"

He just nodded, kissing her knuckles before he left.

"I'm right outside if you need me." she smiled, gently pushing Phin towards the bed.

He kneeled beside her again, slowly peering at face. She looked peaceful. Like she was finally happy and he hated it. "Please come back, I love you."

The UndeadOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora