Shane and Phin

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I was so sick of talking to Shane, every corner I turn, every chance I have of alone time Shane was there. I could that this fucker was flirting with me, every chance I got to even remotely talk to Glenn of Phin even this prick shows his face. Gosh, if you weren't so damn alive I'd shot you right now! " It's suicide, Rick and you know it. We've already lost men, women, and child.-" Shane looks down ashamed. "We've all lost someone! And we all have a say." Shane was giving his 10-minute speech outside on the patio, everyone including the gang besides Jazzmin who was cared for by Caitlin gathered.

"Look here mister I don't care who you are, and we don't owe each other anything, so lay off-"Shane threated pushing back. I felt like he was slightly intimated of him, "How about you back the fuck off!" Phin spat slightly off the edge. "Okay okay, we get it, Shane, you like to play big boss, yeah? But when it comes to Phin. You don't fuck me or him around like that." I spat standing mere inches, fists clenched. The guy who they called Rick stepped in once again, "Think what you want to Shane, whether you like it or not. We need supplies and fast. If no one will step up to the plate and do it. We're screwed. Your good with guns, man.Help." Rick said, " Look, I'll come-" I volunteer, feeling like I'm doing nothing makes me feel ill an useless. I looked at Phin who seemed to give me a death glare If I only knew what he was thinking, I wouldn't be so stuck. I sigh in frustration to my thoughts standing side by side with Rick who smiles. "I'll be fine-" I mouth to Phin.

Phins POV

"I'll be fine-" She mouths to me, and I don't doubt it for a second that she is capable of not getting hurt. But I can't let her go with that creep. I glare at Shane who glares back. "Fine, I'll come," Shane smirks Erik looks at him and then looks at Rick, and in the silence, I am tempted to speak up and go with them. "A gunman, a hunter, a leader-" "And a doctor-" I heard a voice from behind walk in front of me it was Hershel.

20 minutes have passed and Erik, Rick, and a few others are setting out. I can't bear to see her leave with that jerk, it makes me kinda sad and angry. Shane walks past an elbow me. "Watch it punk-" Shane smirks, I rub my shoulder shooting daggers into the back of his head. He's pushing it- " One day, I'll shrink you. I saw Erik and she was talking to Rick, I overheard them talking about Shane so I walked over. "Erika, can I talk to you for a sec." She nods and walks away with me, Rick sniffling a joke now with Carl. Who I think is his son? I like him, he's pretty neat. Brave Boy.

"You can't leave with Shane, he's a fucking prick! I see the way he looked at you all like" I mimic the lovey-dovey kind of look Shane gave Erik.
"I know, he's always angry, he looks at me like I'm something to eat. It is weird."
"Look I can come!" She shakes her head and denies.
"No, stay here. I'll be back before you know it."

"5 minutes" I hear Glenn call out to me before leaving.

"Please don't go!" I hate to watch her leave me, I never want to lose her, I never know what's going to happen. "We're heading out to the city, and if something goes wrong I'll find you first." She looks at me hopeful. "Love you till I die". "Even after death I'll still love you." I hug her, watching my best friend leave. And for all I know could be her last.


Sorry it took so long

xxx until next time.

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