The Other Side

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Shane had taken it upon himself to check up on Phin every so often. Popping his head under the doorway from time to time, monitoring the younger male closely. And without his knowledge. He didn't know what prompted him. Maybe the tone in his voice when he spoke, broken and tired. Or the bags under his eyes when he stayed up late, holding Erik's hand until he fell asleep.


"I think Phin could use these." Beth said, motioning towards the fruit on the counter. It had been awhile since he ate. Deciding to hole up in Erik's sleeping quarters until she well enough to be on her own.

"I'll take it!" Shane spoke up as he reached for the tray. Two apples and a plum.

"Do you really think that's a good idea?" she looked at him and raised a brow.

"It'll be fine. Anyway, you're busy here." without another word, he picked up the tray and headed towards the bedroom. His heart in his throat as he knocked on the door, pushing it open with his knee when there wasn't a response.

There he lay, arms tucked under his head. Phin was sound asleep.

"Hey man, I brought you something to eat..." setting the tray on the desk, he gently tapped the boys shoulder.

"Please don't make me do it." he mumbled under his breath. Stirring from his sleep almost in a panic.

Shane raised an eyebrow, placing his hand on his shoulder again. Only this time for reassurance. "Hey look—it's alright, I'm here." Shane took this as an opportunity to get to see the real side of him.

Placing his hand openly onto Phin shoulder again this time not removing it, shaking him awake. "Hey bud, you okay. ?" Phin nodded his head unconvincingly.  "You've been in here for awhile. You think you might wanna take a break?" "No not really, I mean she needs me." Phin muttered , " As the rest need you. " "I guess."

" Here-" Shane says passing over some slices of fruit. Phin declines and pushes the bowel away. "I'll eat when she can eat.". Phin protested , "Come on, how is this going to benefit anyone?" Shane argued, "Do it as a favor for me. In return I owe you a favor. Deal?" "Deal." Phin replied smirking, taking the bowel into his small brittle like hands he slid each slice into his mouth .


Phin had finished his fruit in time for Shane's patience to grow cold. "So you sure your okay? You seem to mumble a lot when you sleep." "Yeah just a bad dream that's all." "Yeah what about?" Shane asked trying to be comforting to the young boy.

"It was a dark night and it was out in the middle of the woods. We seemed to be really young. Innocent, we were hunting. Erik, Me, Jazzmin, Caitlin , Brooke and Stephanie. And it was my first time learning to shoot a gun and I was scared.

Scared to the point I was shaking, and crying. I felt this sort of down vibe that sent chills up my spine.My target was a moving figure in the distance. It seemed like a personage but I don't think it really was alive. Anyway, I shoot the gun. Missing, And then stupidly Erik stood in front of me while I was holding the gun saying, "Do it! Pull the trigger. Try and not shoot me. Do it!" I didn't want to, it was scary and sickening.

Everyone was chanting tell me not to be a whimp. And in the end I don't think I missed. And that's when I heard you shake me awake."

"Shit, that's dark man-" "sorry." Phin replied embarrassed. "So who's Brooke?" Phin hadn't talked out loud about Brooke ever since she passed. He felt scared, like he was sinning a sin worthy of death.

"She's dead." Phin blurted out, " sorry to hear." And as Phin forgot what he use to feel about talking about Brooke he blurts out the rest.

"During a herd we got overrun , we barely made it out. We were desperate , we hadn't slept in nearly a week. We hardly ate, and never could find what we needed to survive. Brooke was to good for this world. She was always smiling saying that someone somewhere will come up with a cure one day. And I think she knew she was going to die. Because she said, and when they do I'll be long gone. But that's okay. And at the time we didn't really think about it, we took it as a sentimental comment , we all have those when we feel like it might be the end of the world. Which it might as well have been.

We found a campsite in an abandoned warehouse, tents, cans, drinks and a good nights rest. Brooke implied she would keep the first look out. Little did we know that she was planning to overdose. She left a note." Handing him the calligraphy written note he read, the words so softly. "So who found her?" Shane asked

,,"Erik;  she never let it go. She said she'd always had this feeling everytime she felt something wrong. She was always right. She blamed herself for a very very long time and still kind of does. It really wasn't her fault,  she's not holistic."Shane nodded approvingly Phin feeling rejuvenated after accepting a death,an admitting his thoughts.

"What about you?" Shane asked Phin, "What about me?" Phin replied, "You didn't blame yourself?" "No, of course I did. I did blame myself because of Erik's pain. For not being there for Brooke and seeing that she was hurting inside." Phin admitted , "I blame myself even more for still being the same way as I was back when she died".

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