Sweet Cinamon Life

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Don't you ever wish there was a moment of hope, a moment of peace an sanity to the world? Lying desperately on the bed waiting, for someone or something drastic to happen so they could take you away from here. Pleading, to not come back again? Everyone left, silence rose again. It invited you more times than you should ever feel the need to bear. The chilling winter coming reminded you of snow and flakes, hot roasting fireplaces and a cup of cocoa. Imaging the record playing melancholy vibes on types of vinyl. Bricked square house, five-bedrooms and its standard arrangement and still uneasy, silent as the night sky, wrapped in a warm fluffed blanket its shade of light blue like the ocean. It may have been silent in a dream or in reality but metaphorically speaking, I was screaming.

"I'm fine thanks."
"Yea, just tired that's all."

Sweet bitter, vibrant and appealing words could make someone believe the world wasn't overrun and that there was a cure. Believe, that things were going to be okay, when they weren't. Lust lies, trigger the brightest, purest of hearts. 'Don't believe them even if your the only ones left' ' You not good for me, but I really want you.' Words too simple.

 A breeze rushes blissfully by still wrapped up in shattered hope and luring lies, 'money is the anthem of success.' If the world wasn't overrun by nightmares I don't I'd be here still. Overbearing figures peering at me every now and then, waiting for me to do something, dangerous. Dangerous to myself. 'I promise, I am okay, I won't hurt myself anymore.'

Chipped nails down and rugged bloodily clothing doesn't seem to bother me anymore, in fact, it never did. The voices do though. And lately feeling depressed is taking its toll, faking happiness will also take its role negatively but I don't wanna be here when it happens.

"I don't really wanna be here no more." Bitter quiet words slipped the tip of the tongue easily without hesitation. "They'll be really sad." It'll be temporary sadness. 

A week, a week since I tried to off myself. And I don't think they'd ever know how come.
"Now my life sweet like cinnamon. Like a freaking dream, I'm living in. Only cause I'll play on the radio." Piercing, knives, ragged doll and wrecked. Starvation and depreciation for existence.

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"Want to know something?" A quiet tone Erik spoke. "Yeah?" Phin responded. He was the only one in the room since. "If I was to leave would you come with me?" "Where would you go?" "Far away, No bags or cars, just ourselves.If you were given that choice. Would you take it, no matter the price you'd take?" "I'd follow you into the dark if it meant that I'd be with you." "Would you follow me even if we had nothing, we wouldn't come back for anyone or anything."
"I think, that if we were to go on a quest. And I had to leave everyone and everything behind. Never to return again. I'd be sad, but with you, I'll eventually be okay. It would be hard, so hard. Mentally and Physically, spiritually and emotionally. But would you make me do it?" Erik shook her head, "You can't follow me into the dark forever, Phin. Even though one day I won't ever come back if I leave, missing me will be the hardest pain of it all. But I know you'll be okay."

Embracing him in comfort, hoping he wouldn't follow me into the dark. "I want to go and never come back, Phin." "Don't leave me, alone, in this world because another dark thought being alone and crying might kill me".

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