Devil Baby.

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The sunset was nice, shades or red faded into a nice blend of oranges. Dinner was served. I was a bit nervous as I recently decided now was the time.

The boys and Maggie have been home for the entire day, settling down and making an effort to reconnect. I felt it was time to tell the rest who didn't know that I was indeed.


Maybe saying it out loud will give me a moral solution or principle, that once I do I will accept it to the fullest or understand. And I hope that's the case, as we pass around the mash potatoes picked from Hershel's garden out back Shane looks up at me but personally, I don't return the favor.

"Did you find anything interesting on your hunt?" Lori asked Rick who had a mouthful of venison, Lori chuckled at her husband. "Don't much just bits and pieces-" Shane replied, "Sorry to cut you off there, but if I don't say this now I might regret it. Or ill get too much anxiety to say it later so." And by this time my hands were trembling.

I felt the walls closing, and everyone felt so big and huge, like clouding over me, judging me with stares. Glenn across the table looked at me wearily, like he knew what I was about to say. And even though I felt so sick that I might throw up or scared, filled up with anxiety. I knew I had to say it.

"What is it?" Rick looked at me worried "Are you okay, your face is so pale." "You also put on a bit of weight which is ironic considering." Rick grunted in pain and looked at Shane who sat next to him, "What?!" Rick spat.

Deep breathes Erik you can do this

"I am pregnant."

I sat there, scared but light. Like the weight was lifted off my shoulders. And though anxiety still slightly had been erupting in the pit of my empty stomach I felt feather like. I guess you could describe it as some sort of mental or emotional high, like drugs.

Rick dropped his cutlery in his hands which made a loud clank, Beth wide eyes, and Maggie shocked but emotionless on her face. "What, how, When?" All these questions rambling on from Beth and Rick's mouth like tsunamis rushing in from a  high. "Well I'm 2 and 1/2 months along, I found out at 1week"Jazzmin, Caitlin, Stephanie they all never knew either with the mouth gaped and eyes wide open Jazmin was shocked to her core, she looked at me ready to 'kill a bitch.' "Who's the father.?" She asked looking at Phin, "What the fuck, not me." I looked away weary of my answer I made no intent to reply to it.

Soon silence feels which was to be expected, processing slot of information, especially something so big. "I'm sorry," I whispered loud enough for most to hear. Rick and the rest nods, Jazmin's death glares will be the death of me as the awkward silence.

Stephanie stands up trudging along outside, with Caitlin following behind. "I'll go check up on her." She implied, I suddenly feel ashamed.

I stand and take my leave to bed but before doing so I unnecessarily bow. Apologising, "I'm sorry, thank-you for supper it was lovely." Even though I had no appetite . "your most welcome." Carol responds.
"Where's Daryl?" "He went out to do more hunting, I don't know why we got plenty stock," Carol replies to Hershel. As I leave.

It tuck myself into bed still feeling scared, I know see my belly protruding out like a bean. "We got along way to go yet," I whispered rubbing my belly. I suddenly felt a kick and I wince. Smiling after.

"Night night baby."

And I fell asleep restless, cold and for some reason sore. I suddenly heard my door creak open and footsteps edge closer to the bedside. Sitting down.

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