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A couple of days had passed, and no one besides Glenn, Shane, Phin, and Hershel had known about Erik's baby. "How long are you now?" Shane asked Erik. "A couple of weeks, 2 I think. At first, I was terrified. But now I just don't know anymore." 

They sat in silence just outside the barn. The wind picked up and the smell of pie lingered through the air. "Hmmm. I wondering if Carols made a pie." "Yeah." Shane laughed smiling at the ground. "You know if you had this baby, I'd fully support you. I'd love to have a kid." Shane admitted, "Yeah well, I just think this baby doesn't deserve to know what a messed up world we live in now." "Carl would babysit if we were gone when they were old enough. I think Carl's a bit lonely without someone like him to be around with, he shouldn't have to grow up alone." "He has us." "You know what I mean."

By now everyone had gone inside for lunch and Shane and Erik stayed behind. "You should go in," Shane said, "Yeah, and what if they ask," Erik said indicating to her belly. "They won't, promise. And if they do we'll say it was a misunderstanding. 

We all sat around the rectangular table, passing bread, "How was your day?" Jazzmin asked Erik. "Fine. Hershel, I'd like to apologize for our miscommunication the other day. And I don't expect you to understand. But I am grateful for you, for all of you." Erik smiled looking at everyone including Beth who didn't look at her with a smile that would send you good vibes but a smirk that would send chills running down your spine.


  "I really believe that all of us have a lot of darkness in our souls. Anger, rage, fear, sadness. I don't think that's only reserved for people who have horrible upbringings. I think it really exists and is part of the human condition. I think in the course of your life you figure out ways to deal with that. "
-Kevin Bacon

Erik's POV

After passing bread, exchanging words and counting our blessing I could not fully dissolve the chill or image in my mind of Beth frightening smirk. I excused myself earning looks but therefore not looking back  I took steps onto the outside porch. Feeling the cold breeze flourish on my skin and melt my terrified emotions away. I kept my mind at bay where the only happiest memories and saddest ones stood their ground.

Start of flashback.

"Erik, come, your going to miss the movie!" Jazzmin called from the living room.
I trudged along from the Kitchen with popcorn in both of my hands and a bowl of chocolates on top. "Coming, coming, I just had to get-" I handed out the foods and sat on my side of the couch wrapping a light fluffy grey blanket on my legs. "So whats on tonight's agenda?" Phin asked from the deep creases of the sofa opposite mine. "Well-" Stephanie muttered, "It is Erik's dorm-" "And it's my birthday!" Brooke said defensively.  "I was getting there, anyway, we'll watch Brookes favorite movie and then Erik's, deal." And in unison, all five spoke with confidence, "Deal."

It was half an hour into the movie, and it wasn't all bad. Although I wouldn't have picked The Fault In Our Stars. "Pass the chips and dip," Caitlin asked quietly, As I handed the things she wanted over. 

The movie was over and midnight was about to surpass which meant, "1 hour to the fourth." Jazzmin said, "Yeah and another day of people to talk about." Phin muttered to himself bearly audible but I heard it all. "Fuck Phin, can you not always be so dead inside?!" I asked, "Nope" He replied which made Brooke laugh. 

The movie finished and silence lurked around us, except the sobs and tears whelming off of Brooke, Jazzmin, and Stephanie. "Fuck." Brooke sobbed. "Always gets me." Jazzmin slurred at her words. "Pussies." Stephanie said wiping her tears away, "Says you, cunt." Phin laughed. "Ha Ha Fuck You." Stephanie came back with raising her middle finger. " I wish he didn't die, fuck Cancer." Brooke hissed, "I will not kiss you-" I sung which earned death glares from everyone as I laughed. "Not the time, Erik." Phin spat, I raised my hands as a sign of surrender.

( If we all knew that was going to be our last night together, happy, alive. Things would've gone differently. I would have told her I loved her. )

"Run!" Brooke yelled sprinting from a herd of zombies.  We scurry from the sidewalk all together, we sprint to the nearest forest. Shots were differently fired, And from afar I shoot two arrows. 20 minutes of out running we finally reach our limit and stop. "Fucking hell, I told you we shouldn't of went in that supermarket," Stephanie yelled. She was now the leader, Brooke stood to gather herself. Leaning down to get more air into her. "Its been two years after the outbreak Jazzmin, you would have thought the CBC would have come up with something." Stephanie said worried, "We can't keep running forever we're going to have to  make shelter soon."  Caitlin suggested.

(As I said I would have told her I loved her, and that she'd always be my best friend.)

That night we set up camp inside of an abandoned warehouse, don't worry we made sure we it was cleared out. "Someone was here," Stephanie claimed from the sight of a tent in place with few bags and a couple of guns. "Well we should make the best of it, some of us haven't had a good sleep in years," Phin muttered. Tomorow was the 4th of Feb 2007, "I'll take first watch." Brooke suggested an did so. We all set up our sleeping bags and take rest by the head.

And I knew something was wrong, in the pit of my stomach I felt the urge to take Brookes place. To volunteer instead, if only I wasn't so worn out if only my asthma hadn't taken a toll on me after running from that herd of zombies. I had a few more inhalers left, 3 to be specific.

The next morning was the most painful. 

That next sunrise, around 6 AM we woke. I, Erik was the first. Walking out of the tent what I faced, what I saw. I could never unsee ever again.

"Wakey, wakey Brookey." She didn't move, "Come one you old goon." I shook her shoulders and none of her moved. I felt nothing, not a sense of warmth, As she had a blanket over her and a folded jumper under her head. I tried for a pulse and discovered she had none. "Fuck, fuck, fuck" I quietly panicked, I tried looking for a pulse and none was found. 

We all later woke up,  to find she had overdosed and left a note. 

"Dear my friends.

I'm sorry your poor heart aches, and you yearn for this to be simple. But it is not, I am thank you for all of you, for you undying friendship. Love and support. I have chosen This path, myself. 

I didn't want to end up like those things. I didn't want to die like them. I wanted to die on my own terms. I know and I wished everything was different. I wish for you all to seek fulfillment and I know you can all do this.

Don't be mad with me. Please. Don't take my death as something to mourn about, be happy. Live, survive and yearn. Treat my death as something to live on about, and if you ever have children. Tell them about me. Tell them about Aunty Brookie.

Love yah faggots.
Brooke. G

End of flashback


Who is she? 

This chapter is dedicated to Brooke, you know who you are. She ain't dead.
for all of u to know.

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