We'll Make it Back.

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Erik woke up drenched in sweat she jolted up from her slumber to see the now vacant bed. She started to panic as to where her boyfriend was. Standing up, uneasy .

"Where is Phin?" She asked Maggie who strutted past her down the hall. "He started to walk around Hersh thinks it's time. " She nodded and left to go find Phin .

He sat down on a hay bale outside of the porch watching as Beth was in the garden with Carol. Sitting next to him was his beloved best friends, Erik stil weight as slumped on her shoulders as she inched closing to the pack, Stephanie seemed to resolve the argument between her and Caitlin. As they both smiled at each other like two bipolar children.

"H-Hi." Erik said but came out a croak of uncertainty. She smiled unsure if she was yet forgiven. "Stop acting like a stranger , come sit. " Erik complied with Stephanie's demands sitting next to Phin who looked at her and leaned his small fragile head on her shoulder nestling his chin in the crook of her neck, she didn't mind.

But they all watched and pondered and Daryl strode up to them carrying his crossbow and arrow in hand. "Rick wants to talk to you." Daryl stood in front of the crew a smirk smudged on his upper lip, "What about?" Daryl shrugged as Erik stood up, "I'll come back."


In the makeshift shooting range Rick, Daryl, Hershel, Maggie, Shane, Glenn as well as myself stood in a circle distancing ourselves from the others who stayed at the Farm house.

"Is this some sort of union council?" Erik asked laughing as she and Daryl enclose the circle with their presence. "Some what like that I suppose. And your now apart of that, if you want in." Rick stated but Erik was unsure as to what to answer with.

Stephanie was usually the leader somehow but seems she now lacked the authority figure in the clan. "I got to talk with the others first , before I make any permanent implications." Everyone nodded understanding. "You seemed to have motives. And I sensed you had something on your mind you'd share with the crew?" Shane muttered. "We may have to relocate-" "Hang on just a second. Your telling me to leave my home?" Hershel cut off with an abrupt remark, Erik nodded, "It's soon to become unsafe. It's been to quiet for too long and I am motivated to find a stable, secure environment for us. "
Erik announced .

They all looked somewhat flustered and annoyed at the fact that their home was no longer becoming a permanent solution. "Your right-" Glenn replied in agreement, "-I agree we got to move. I know it's hard but we can't keep running out to make supply runs, it's dangerous. We need another way." Rich had his head down staring at the dirt.

"Before we stumbled here, on the way I saw a prison-" This somehow now caught everyone attention. "It seemed surrounded-" Faces fell, "But easy to take. If we strategically plan right. We can make it." Erik planned and declared announcing solitude to be justified.

"We can father look into it. We can't risk anymore lives. " Rick announced, and everyone expect Hershel nodded. He seemed unhappy and nerved wracked that he may have to leave his home.


Erik wasn't allowed to tell anyone else about the conversation of moving until they had yet confirmed it was safe to move, and a well thought out plan. But Erik decided that tonight she would talk about her offer to have a place on the 'board'.


Stephanie wasn't too surprised an neither was anyone else for that matter. Carl grasped at the situation and admitted that Erik would do well. Admitting this made Erik feel happy that he thought this. Everyone now agreed but Beth who knew it was unfair for someone as young to have a place of authority.

"Why should she have authority? She and her people been here less than a month and now this!" "Beth, stop it!" Maggie interjected upset by these protests, "It's okay Maggie. Beth is entitled to her own opinions." Maggie looked at Erik with sorry in her eyes shifting her body weight.

Everyone stood in less than understanding and more in annoyance . Sure, Erik and the newbies have been staying in Rick and Hershel's humble abode for longer than they have intended to. It has become quite a conundrum that Beth stirred up and it's not a surprise to neither Rick nor Erik, it was to be expected sooner or later but in fact Rick had an eye set out for Erik, Rick felt it be a matter of time before Erik found placement in the new found order. Yet it be false accusations that have accused the newbies of incompetence.

"Beth, that's enough!" Hershel bellowed and now Beth storming off to let of steam everyone glanced at Erik expecting retaliation. "I get it, I do." Erik said flustered yet self contained, "I am quite flattered that you'd consider me more than an Allie, and now since Phin is moving around now. I best reassure you of the consequences up ahead if we don't make a move now."

Phin held a worry look, as well as Glenn whom stood leaning against a post. Hershel's face fell at the sudden need to move still agitated. "I get that, and I have told you we will. We just need volunteers to scout the place out and plan of an attack." Rick suggested, "I will go-" "Me too."

Everyone was quick to take part in the new mission even Carl now old enough. Lori who sat well off from hearing distance peeled spuds and chopped carrot. Erik ruffled Carl's hair smiling at the boy and his enthusiasm to participate. "Now, I have already redirected and say that, Erik seeing as it was her idea as well as, Daryl, Maggie, Glenn, Shane aswell as myself go and scout. We will be back at least before tomorrow morning." Carl protested towards his fathers absence but Lori sussed that out with a hopeful grin and a pleasant and gratifying speech to how his daddy is a man of the law.

"Don't worry too much, kid. Your fathers a great man, he can look out for himself." Shane said to the little yet mature Grimes. "Don't get me wrong, Dad is brave and smart. But sometimes I think what if he doesn't come back one night?" Shane, Erik and Carl sat snug against a Hale bail staring at the night sky before tomorrow they'd had to leave to provide a new life.

"I know Carl, I know. But I promise you with all my heart I will make sure your daddy comes home . "Erik smiled side hugging little Grimes as he nestled into her side and falling asleep. " You know I didn't mean what I said." Shane protested quietly. "I know Shane, I just got so worked up. " They both talked and she laid her head on the crook of Shane's neck. "I'm sorry." Shane spoke as though it was a bare audible whisper but it was enough for Erik to hear. "It's not your fault."

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