Let Us Be Okay.

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That morning Erik woke up in a sweat, contractions were frequent. And Carol often stayed with her at night. Shane caught Erika in the midst of throwing up last nights veggies.

"I'm fine." Erik muttered. Shane rubbed circles around her back, "It's quiet funny." Erik said wiping the bile from the edges of her mouth, " I never thought I'd get this far enough in life."Shane kneeled in front of her smiling. Their relationship had gotten better, Erik accepted that she was having his kid no matter what. Even though he was and is a complete reckless idiot. Shane had also accepted ghat he is and was a stupid man whom made a lot of reckless mistakes that cost him a lot, but although he also gained just as much.

"We decided names on the baby, if it's a boy; Hunter if it's a girl; Brooke." Shane brightly smiled at Erik agreeing that they were great choices. "I love them. Even though I might not have a role apart from a label, you'll be a great mother." "Thanks Shane."

The sun rose up from the horizon and as time went on Erik and Shane heard noises from outside, talking. So Erik and Shane both stood up washing Erik's face and hands she changed her shirt and then they both went outside.

Outside in a circle Hershel , Phin and a few others such as Daryl and Glenn and of course Maggie, stood talking about things .

Erik POV

I couldn't stop thinking about what Shane said, that he might not have a role in my child's life. He may be a douchebag, but I don't want my baby growing up fatherless.

I approached Phin and stood by his side. He smiled and from across the yard ran Beth and Carl. I waved to Carl as he waved back, "Hey guys." Everyone looked at me, "Congesting up a plan without me aye?" I laughed "Well-" Phin stated, "We might have to go on another run." Rick stated bluntly , "Wait what?-" "Phin, Hershel, Glenn, Maggie and Daryl also Shane as this, All hands in situation, we have a prison up ahead that we can take over. It will have enough supplies. Weapons.  -" Rick stated, "Once it's secure well come back and bring you guys ." Glenn implied, "When do you guys leave?" now anxious to know this, I am scared to think it's soon. "As soon as we can." I sigh, another hunt down, another day or two maybe. Shane stood next to me and Phin hands on his hips staring awkwardly at the ground.

Leaving the circle I walk towards the barn where Carl was sitting. "Hey bud. Mind if I sit here?" "No go ahead. What's on your mind?" Carl asked

"Everything. But you don't need to worry about it." "I am almost 14 " " And that you are, kid. Well in that case, that girl name you chose was actually the name of my best friend." " Where is she now?" "She's far away from here, beyond the every mountain and sea. " "Oh? I bet she's thinking about you." "As I am of her. Every day, I think about, her smile, the way she looked and how she always wore her dirty brown hair down. How she always seemed to be happy about everything she was always glowing. She said one day, tell your kids about me. So thanks to you I will. " "Did she get bit." Finally getting at what I was trying to say, "She took herself away from this world by herself." "Oh sorry." "It's okay."

Lori called Carl, as Shane approached me our relationship has grown. He sat next to me while Carl left. "He's a good kid." Shane stated, "Agreed, one of a kind." Replying, "You good?" I nodded, "I know your not to happy about another run after a week. " "What happens if this baby comes and no ones here. What if this baby gets hurt or I do, what then?" "No one will get hurt. I promise you, This baby will be gorgeous and healthy just like their mother." I stiffened a smile embraced in a comforting hug. Praying, 'Please let us be okay.' So soon I'll pop.

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